View Full Version : New Job

06-04-10, 09:58

I'm not actually new on here, but for the last few years have not been feeling too bad. However I started a new job last week, and my anxiety and panic have returned with a vengeance. I've woken up this morning feeling like I just want to shut myself away and scream. I feel sick and shaky and want to cry - most of all I feel really really stupid. This job is totally different to my old one where I had loads to do everyday and got quite stressed - hence the reason for leaving in the first place - this job is as a receptionist - much quieter - no stress and yet I feel panicky. Any advice on how to overcome these feelings would be fab as at the moment I'm feeling like I can't carry on........:weep:

Thanks very much


06-04-10, 10:01
Hi Anniejay

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

06-04-10, 10:06
I know exactly how you are feeling. I started a new job in September (which I very much wanted!) and had a panic attack on the first day. I had to be taken into the medical room, crying and felt such a fool. My immediate thought was how stupid I had made myself look and how unprofessional... why do we care so much what others think?! I've been struggling since then after not having panic attacks for a good few years and it has recently reached a peak. However, I am still in the new job and am actually coping with the work no problem. I am off to the doctors again this morning but even need my mum to come with me when I go there. I've beat this before (as have you!) We just need to find the inner strength to beat it again! Wishing you loads of love and luck.

06-04-10, 20:23
Thanks Sarah G,

I'm gonna try and be really positive...its just so hard sometimes :blush:


08-04-10, 20:24
i am in the samr boat i have gad which i have beat twice but is now back with a vengance please help