View Full Version : woke up feeling panicky

06-04-10, 12:25
hello everyone
it was horrible it came over me suddenly woke up with the feeling of total panic i did calm myself down got abit of aniexty now but does anyone else get this awful feeling its like your gonna lose control and go imenanto a very major frightning panic attack where you feel like your gonna run around crying and acting hysterical:(luck had it i did calm myself and kept myself busy drs not sure if i im going into premenopause got to have blood test done im 35 years old

06-04-10, 12:38
i get it every day its not nice ,but we have to put up with it

08-04-10, 10:57
hi my panic attacks have came back after i lost my mum a year ago sometimes am so scared to go to sleep at nite and during the day i feel sometimes will i ever get better

08-04-10, 11:03
hi, yeh i feel like that every day. scary

08-04-10, 23:00
I feel panicky when I get up every morning. I just try to work through it.

09-04-10, 01:38
It sounds strange, but I feel like that whenever I sleep. I'm a student, so I nap a lot haha. But even if I sleep in the afternoon I still wake up and feel so anxious that I wonder why I'm so worried, and that makes me worse!!!