View Full Version : Blood and Mucus in Poo (sorry)

06-04-10, 12:49
I have been having a lot of pain on my right hand side, and have suffered from constipation all my life. I have started getting mucus in my stools. On good friday I had some bloody mucus the colour of red wine not the bright red stuff you get with stools... am really worried now. Have beento docs but could only see nurse practioner, I have to have some bloods done and go back to her in 2 weeks she has given me some movecall to help with constipation. my back and right hand side are so painfull.:weep: Please help, I am trying very hard not too google we all know what dr google will have to say.....

06-04-10, 13:26
Have had similar for years now and became very converned earlier this year. I was getting the runs which was mucus and bloody. Had a colonoscopogy 3 weeks ago and diagnosed with IBS & diverticulitus. I know a very good helpline if you want to chat to a nurse about your symptons, they really helped me.

06-04-10, 14:38

Yes please MightyPC if you could let me have the helpline no that would be great thank you ...convinced I was dying of big C why do we always forget it could be any number of things...doh.:)

06-04-10, 14:54
Hi, 08450 719 301 (Beating bowel cancer) & 0800 8403540 (Bowel cancer awareness) both very have very good nurses you can speak with and they reassured me. Good luck

07-04-10, 13:53
If you are constipated the blood can be from piles, try to drink more and keep active that may help. If it continues for more than a couple of weeks tell your doctor you want a colonoscopy, they are not fun but at least it only lasts about half an hour and you will know the results there and then, good luck.

07-04-10, 15:12
Hi Peter

No it was not blood from piles, I have that too that is bright red. This was dark red like red wine and mixed with mucus... not very pleasant. I have to go for a blood test on tues and then back to nurse the following week, I am keeping a stool diary so I can let her know how I am doing. I think once they know you have Health Anxiety they think its all in your head anyway, so its an uphill battle if you are actually poorly which all adds to the angst...poor us.:weep:

07-04-10, 15:33
Did you ring those numbers Jannnne?

I went yesterday about something totally different and the dr refused to examine me saying it was Ha.

07-04-10, 18:03
I would agree I have many doctors just ignore me knowing I have anxiety, it makes going to the doctors almost pointless at times, afterall even people with HA get ill, many doctors seem to forget this. I remember a friend once told me that he made this point to his GP and added; Drs bury there mistakes don't they. The Dr did not think it funny but it is so true,


07-04-10, 21:39
Hi, no I have not rung those numbers yet it is easter holidays and I am surrounded by teenagers and children am trying to hold it together will ring as soon as I get a bit of time to myself. I try really hard not to pass may anxiety on to them as I know I got it from my Mother. Oh peter how true that dr bury there mistakes.... I will remember that. Do they have to refer you if you ask to be referered to hospital?

08-04-10, 09:25
I remember my partners daughter who is a paramedic joke to me; what`s the difference between god and a dr? God does not think he is a dr......

08-04-10, 10:37
Hi, no I have not rung those numbers yet it is easter holidays and I am surrounded by teenagers and children am trying to hold it together will ring as soon as I get a bit of time to myself. I try really hard not to pass may anxiety on to them as I know I got it from my Mother. Oh peter how true that dr bury there mistakes.... I will remember that. Do they have to refer you if you ask to be referered to hospital?

Drs do not have to refer you in the UK, but if you ask to be referred they have to make a note that you asked on your records, so if you ask and something is wrong then they could be in trouble, so nearly all Drs refer if you request it,

Good luck, Peter