View Full Version : Would a pregnancy test result be reliable if 6 months pregnant

06-04-10, 13:54
Ok I was recently scared that could be 6 months pregnant and not know it. Mad worry I know. Just been watching that pregnant and didnt know it though show, and has got me wondering lol........ its got to be so remote chances right? I have no symptoms i.e. no noticeable weight gain, nothing but a normal stomach i.e. not perfectly flat (whos is!) but not a belly at all either, not feel blatant movements that couldnt be put down to anything else? Im v slim so you'd notice excessive weight gain

I seriously dont think I could possibly be pregnant (virgin but have done er other stuff that could have er got sperm near me e.g. fingering and his uncondomed penis did come in contact with outside of my vagina) Im just the paranoid type, and have been having periods but theyve always been highly irregular my whole life so cant gague from them as they come when the like (but have had some periods recently)


how reliable are these tests. I know it says 99.9 on the box but they detect the HCG chemical/hormone right? is this still there at 6 months pregnant? (thats how far gone I would have to be). Can I trust that a test would work?

I did one of those expensive digital ones that show a positive or negative sign, so I didnt have to panic over whether a line was there or not! It was negative!!! havent done the second stick yet tho.

06-04-10, 14:06
Save it girl, you're not pregnant. They are very reliable

one of us

06-04-10, 14:31

Louise I really do not believe that you are pregnant.Even if you had had full sex then I still think by what you have said then you are not pregnant. As it is from the way you said about what had happened then I don't belive you could have feasibly could have been impregnated.
Please try not to worry xx

06-04-10, 14:47
No I dont think you are pregnant either - just scared and maybe looking for things that justify feeling scared. Anxiety is so horrible I know. Take care

06-04-10, 15:26
Yeah, am trying to tell myself that. Wanted a docs appointment for a blood test but cant get any appointment with any doc for two and a half weeks!!! by which time if be even further along (and so pretty much stumped for doing anything about it if was pregnant). I think that is whats scaring me that I wouldnt have any choices!

06-04-10, 15:56
Heya Louise,

Don't stress out, you're not pregnant :)

Remember, the mind of someone suffering with anxiety is very suggestive. A lot of the time if any idea or sickness seems to even remotely match up with us we convince ourselves this is what we have. It's an obsessive thing, once we get one thought we obsess over it and get more and more anxious.

Stop over-analysing the situation and working yourself up love, you are not pregnant and you will be perfectly fine :) If the pregnancy test was negative and you have no visible signs of pregnancy at this stage and you haven't actually had sex you are in the clear :) Don't worry about making an appointment to get a blood test for it, it will only be negative anyway.

probably best to steer clear or Jerry and Maury in the future though :)

Cell block H fan
06-04-10, 18:47
Ok I was recently scared that could be 6 months pregnant and not know it. Mad worry I know. Just been watching that pregnant and didnt know it though show, and has got me wondering lol........ its got to be so remote chances right? I have no symptoms i.e. no noticeable weight gain, nothing but a normal stomach i.e. not perfectly flat (whos is!) but not a belly at all either, not feel blatant movements that couldnt be put down to anything else? Im v slim so you'd notice excessive weight gain

I seriously dont think I could possibly be pregnant (virgin but have done er other stuff that could have er got sperm near me e.g. fingering and his uncondomed penis did come in contact with outside of my vagina) Im just the paranoid type, and have been having periods but theyve always been highly irregular my whole life so cant gague from them as they come when the like (but have had some periods recently)


how reliable are these tests. I know it says 99.9 on the box but they detect the HCG chemical/hormone right? is this still there at 6 months pregnant? (thats how far gone I would have to be). Can I trust that a test would work?

I did one of those expensive digital ones that show a positive or negative sign, so I didnt have to panic over whether a line was there or not! It was negative!!! havent done the second stick yet tho.

You're asking if you could be pregnant, even though you haven't had intercourse? :unsure:

By the way, not that it applies to you, but you can get a false negative test, but not a false positive. So my doc told me when I was pregnant 16 years ago anyway. But that certainly doesn't apply to you x

06-04-10, 18:54
Hey, yeah you are not pregnant. take a deep breath and stop worrying. I do that too, when I am late for my period, I always think I am pregnant, and last time I even took a test, negative, because I use contraception but still. The test will be right so do not worry!!! If you had unprotected sex I would probably maybe say do a test to check, but has it is negative, your a virgin, you have no signs, you are deff not pregnant. so don't worry :D x

06-04-10, 18:59
Nope you aren't pregnant!
I understand the way that your mind can get you so wound up about something like this and really the only thing you can do is to react to it with a counter thought... Ex "I've taken the test and it was negative"..
And then redirect your thinking to something else.
Doesn't matter what.
Just concentrate on anything else that will take your mind away from that thought.

I know it sounds odd but this will help not only to calm you but also the more you end thinking about it with a rational thought the less you will go back to the negative irrational one.

I don't even know if that rambling makes any sense to anyone but me but it worked in my situation anyway :)

06-04-10, 19:56
You won't be pregnant, take it from someone who has been pregnant a few times;-)

It is actually quite difficult to become pregnant, even more so if you haven't actually had full intercourse;-)

Rest easy, you are not pregnant:-)

06-04-10, 20:03

Speaking as a man I have found it incredibly difficult :)Any advice?

However, Louise one day you will be and it is an unforgettable time, choose the father well and enjoy! Sorry but you can't exactly choose the children and they will turn into teenagers be warned!

one of us

19-04-10, 14:30
Hmm having reworked out dates and stuff I think would only maybe be about 5 months pregnant at the moment (lol if I was, which Im hoping to god not!). Im going on hol next week (volcanic ash permitting!) and am worried about flying if I was pregnant.... is it a risk to the woman or the fetus if she flies?

Plus, can GP surgery nurses do blood tests to check for pregnancy as tried to get GPs appointment for this but been told two weeks!! this seems scarily long tho as would need to know asap so would have options! Havent done anymore pregnancy test but am considering doing another tomorrow! Still worrying as my stomach keeps feeling kind of weird and fluttery!

19-04-10, 20:47
Have had bad stomach pains and diarrea all day, worried this could indicate im pregnant (would ahve to be almost 5 months).... Know this worry seems mad, but I have a real fear of ever being pregnant!

Cell block H fan
19-04-10, 22:28
Louise, you haven't ever had intercourse, you're not pregnant.
Immaculate conceptions dont really happen.
Go on holiday & enjoy it. I am sure the planes will be back to normal by next week.

20-04-10, 10:13
I know im trying to tell myself Im unlikely to be pregnant, I just keep having this horrible feeling I could be, my stomach being so upset still today just makes me worry is this a sign lol... Thinking of doing another test at lunch today!

20-04-10, 10:29
Don't do the retest, you're starting to develop a safety behaviour. I fear I'm pregnant so I'll do a restest, which I don't believe unless it tells me I am preganant, so you do another retest etc etc.

20-04-10, 11:53
ok from what ive read i would say its very very unlikely that you are pregnant...getting pregnant isnt as easy as some people like to think(it took me 8 months)even more so for you as you havnt had full intercourse.......if you need to put your mind at ease 100% then you can pop along to a family planning clinic...you can usually get an appointment the same day or the day after.....but if i were you i wouldnt bother and concentrate your thought on your holiday!!..xx

20-04-10, 13:31
Thanks for the replies, have resisted doing another test. I had calmed down about this but I think the pains in my stomach and nausea ive had since yesterday afternoon have got me started again! Think going to have to go home from work feeling that sick......