View Full Version : two CT Scans

06-04-10, 18:35
Is it bad to get CT Scans 1 month away from each other? My ENT had originally looked at a CT Scan of my Sinuses and now wants me to get a second CT Scan of my ears.....will this cause Cancer...being exposed to the CT Scanner...might sound a little bananas, but I am freaking out and my scan is tonight. :weep:

06-04-10, 20:16
i doubt it mate docs would not do it if their were any risk

06-04-10, 21:45
Sorry I can't agree totally with previous answer having a radiologist in the family but won't go into details. Advice is that if you can avoid CT then do so ask for MRI as they will show more detail and no radiation at all. If in your lifetime you only have two Ct scans then this is not much risk but some people go for multiple Ct scans and even full body Ct through private companies and this is not to put too fine a point on it taking a huge risk.

If you want to look there is plenty of info on radiation dosage from Ct scans but this will just scare you.

So if you have never had a ct scan before and you don't have any more then your risk will be small but in future bear in mind that each Ct scan gives a whacking dose of radiation compared with a normal x ray.

I have a son who works in the nuclear industry and very highly qualified on everything to do with radiation as well as the radiographer as a relative and they both say that Dr never take into account the bigger picture with x ray as in asking you how many xrays cts you have had previously ( did yours???)

sorry for rant but feel very strongly that people with HA are exposed to multiple radiation because of all the tests we need to reassure ourselves nothing bad is going on.

Just be sensible and personally I always ask is there any other test available that doens't involve radiation- quite often the Dr will pause - think and then say Oh you could have xxxxx instead but usually this is more expensive and they don't offer it routinely.

06-04-10, 22:44
I have been told I can't have any more CT scans for a while as I had about 4 when I was really ill with Crohn's disease and I think the radiation is about 400 times that of an X-ray.

With my illness they needed to do CT scans and not MRI's but the MRI is much safer and I agree that unless it is absolutely necessary then they should find another scan to do.

07-04-10, 13:55
Thank you for your responses....I went to the appointment last night, and totally had an anxiety attack and left....I didn't get the second on done, I've opted to speak to my ENT and ask for an MRI....safer and no radiation because it is magnetic. I figure that I've been exposed once to the CT scan, for my sinuses....and that is enough.... I was really creeped out :( The doctor said that it wasn't anything to worry about but that he wanted to take a closer look at my ears to make sure. I'm hoping that he will say, ok lets look again at the original CT scan and if need be, we will set you up for an MRI. I don't want to put myself through the CT scan again, it freaked the crap out of me....

07-04-10, 17:42
I always thought that Drs made excuses not to refer me for another CT scan by saying repeated CT scans can be harmful, but maybe they know the truth. I am having another scan in the next few weeks but this is an MRI thank goodness. I know my neurologist says on his website, quote; Unless there is marked claustrophobia or specific reason not to do a magnetic resonance scan (MR/MRI), then this is the scan of choice. In the 21st century, it is just not acceptable to undertake an x-ray scan when investigating particularly in young women.

07-04-10, 18:13
Great information, countrygirl. Thank you!:)

Now I'll know to ask for an MRI instead of a CT. Usually, my doctor orders MRIs anyhow. I think I've had about four CTs in the last five years. Hopefully, they didn't do any damage.

07-04-10, 19:12
I hope that getting the first CT Scan didn't do damage to me......!?!?!? Scary Larry

07-04-10, 19:58
Try not to worry, I suspect nearly everyone has at least 1 or more CT scans in a life time and they are fine.
