View Full Version : Visiting Austria, for Gran

06-04-10, 18:43
My grandma lives in Austria, and I have not seen her for over 2 years. She was diagnosed with cancer around that time. She had already had breast cancer three times before, but this time it was worse, and she is in her 80's. I was supposed to visit her this January, by myself. However, i could not do it. The weeks leading up to it, I had so many panic attacks and anxiety. Therefore, i decided not to go.

My dad and I are now going to go in two weeks time. I am panicking again, because it is another country, far away from home. My mum is kind of my safe person, who will be at home. I will be staying in a house I have not stayed at before, 5 mins from grandparents. I so want to go though, cause I know I will regret not going for the rest of my life.

How do I make myself go? Its so horrible feeling anxiety and it will be s much worse when I go.