View Full Version : Doing well but is this a blip?

18-01-06, 07:48
If you've read my other threads then you'll already know most of my story. I've been on Citalopram for 5 weeks and I'm slowly getting much better. I've survived 3 days in work and have started eating alot better. I even survived a meal out in a resturant last night.


I've not been sleeping that well the last few nights and I'm starting to feel quite weary. Coupled with the meal out last night I'm feeling quite ropey this morning. Now I know I could go to work and get through the day, but I've decided that I will take today off to rest. Firstly this will break the week up into two manageable parts and secondly it will mean I can feed myself up and catch up on some sleep. I don't personally see this as a blip as it's not a fear of work that's stopping me from going in today. As my anxiety is related to food and eating in public places, I'm still doing well if I take today off and have a meal out for lunch.

I plan to go to the gym today and see how I cope with that...

Anyway, would you view this as a blip?

existential crisis
18-01-06, 10:41
If you are certain that the reason you are not going into work is because you just feel a bit tired and ropey and you need a rest then I wouldnt see this as a setback, personally. You are making a choice not to go in because you dont feel too good, rather than not going in because you are forced to stay home through fear. And, as you say, you are still going to go out and have lunch today when before you know this would have been a definate no-no. It sounds to me like you have valid reasons why you don't want to go in today - and what with the feeling a bit rough but still going out for lunch anyway I wouldnt say that this was an avoidance issue or even a blip. Its OK to take some time for yourself - Going out for lunch and then popping to the gym sounds more pleasant than being at work anyway! You wouldnt be the first person (anxiety sufferer or not) to take a sneaky day off work to do something that you want to do! xxx

*I think, therefore I am.*

18-01-06, 18:54
I don't sleep very well either and I find that by Wednesday I am really flagging and would love to take that day off to recover and then go back in again refreshed. However, this is not possible or practical.

Anyway what I am saying is that you are not alone and I don't think it is a blip as such I just think we use so much more energy up than other people that we feel more tired.

I am sure that going to the gym really helped as well.


18-01-06, 19:01
Hi I dont sleep either, I dare not add up the hours I get, I hold down a full time job and have the understanding of management to take time off or go in late if needed, this is super if you could get rested up, I personally wouldnt sleep any better in day than night time so keep going.
Perhaps and hopefully your sleeplessness is temporary if it is something new and may be because you are doing more, anyway well done on doing all youve done.take care.xxx

Most of lifes battles are won, by looking beyond the clouds to the sun:
and having the patience to wait for the day,when the sun comes out and the clouds go away.

love from Alexisxx

18-01-06, 23:33

Sensible choices whilst you can make them.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?