View Full Version : Spakles in vision

06-04-10, 19:47
Does anyone else get sprkles in their vision? I have it constantly?

06-04-10, 19:58
What like things floating across your eyes Carli???

06-04-10, 19:59
Is it when you move your eyes or does it just happen randomly? Floaters, flashes of light, weird orbs and distorted vision are common in anxiety sufferers. Sometimes I think, is there anything anxiety doesn't cause...?

I've had these before and had eye tests and been told it's nothing to worry about - although try telling that to an anxious person... Try not to worry LOL! Lots of people have had this here and it's not serious (unless you get loss of vision, severe pain etc).

You'll be fine.

06-04-10, 20:03
Hiya, they are not floaters (i have tons of those) These are like little sparks that shoot through my vision 24-7. They are like the kind you get when you look at the sky. It like millions of little sqiggles darting through my vision, they look like little sparks. I have had these for the last year and more recently i have been getting eye pain and a tugging feeling under my eye? Nero looked in my eyes and could see no probs?????

06-04-10, 20:24
Hi Carli. Im sure they are nothing sinister in your case. I had these when I had my first bout of anxiety and they have come back since I have relapsed. The first time around I saw a specialist and was told that eyes were normal. As you know when we are anxious we become hypersensitive to things we normally ignore, PLEASE dont worry about these! xx

06-04-10, 21:28
visual snow? do you have a history of 'classic' migraines?

its harmless..just very annoying!

06-04-10, 22:35
I get them if I have vomitted or coughed really hard but they go away after a few minutes as one poster said on this thread - do you get ocular migraines?

07-04-10, 01:46
I have had these for as long as I can remember, they didn't bother me so much when I was a kid. Are yours all different colours, purples, yellows and such? I think I get mine now from light sensitivity all I have to do is look out a window or tv etc and look away and they're there. Also at night if I'm watching telly, I can look away and see the whole shading of the image for a second, my eyes are healthy they just don't see well, got them
re checked a fortnight ago, could it be possible they're from like light sensitevity? Good luck

07-04-10, 10:30

i get these when i look up to sky lots of like little diamonds flikering. not in my everyday vision though just when look up at the sky or on a white ceiling.


07-04-10, 11:06
visual snow? do you have a history of 'classic' migraines?

its harmless..just very annoying!

Hiya, i dont get headaches i do get ocular migraines though, but these sparkles are there allt eh time? xx

07-04-10, 13:32
Hi there,
I sometimes get this and flashes in the eyes too....

Rachel W
07-04-10, 14:16
I was wondering about floaters. I started worrying about them recently but whenever I checked I didn't really have them (just the odd tiny round clear kind and only about 2 or 3 when looking at a bright sky). This week they have suddenly come on and I think they are mostly in my right eye (where I have some distorted vision which I have had for a while and believe that it is from a car accident I had in 2004).

I am really worried as it isn't just the occasional shadow but quite a few, and pale grey whenever I look at a surface that allows me to see them. They must be newer as when I was looking for them a few weeks back then I could not see them.

I have been stressed and my eyes have been feeling really strained from using the computer a lot over the past few months. What really scares me is that I have read that they don't go away once you have them, but sometimes your mind ignores them. Is it possible at all that they can go away or reduce if caused by anxiety or eye strain?

Help, I am freaking out and am scared to go to an ophthamologist as I worry about what he might tell me...

07-04-10, 17:43
I get them too, i call them Fairies. It's like little tiny bits of glitter, only last about a minute and it doesnt happen often but your not alone x

08-04-10, 22:34
i have them all the time?

09-04-10, 00:57
Hey, yeah i get this. Sparkles, floaters, shadows, shadows of light. It's just the anxiety, ive never had any problems before the anxiety and then suddenly it started. I went to the doctors and yup......anxiety! Its amazing what it can cause

09-04-10, 06:40
I used to get them too... sometimes when you look to the very side for a longer period and then move your eyes it can happen. Dr told me not to worry, it's normal ;)