View Full Version : Pregnant?

06-04-10, 20:31
`me and my boyfriend have probably been acting a little stupid with contraception lately. I'm on the pill but i keep forgetting to take it, we've used a condom twice but we go unprotected alot but he doesnt .. (ejaculate.) could i be pregnant even if he hasnt ..?

06-04-10, 20:53

In theory you could be but to be honest it's really not that easy getting pregnant! If its your fertile time of the month though it could happen so you better be safe rather than sorry and cause yourself unnecessary stress and worry :)

06-04-10, 22:08
Hi tia,
to put it simply YES - semen leaks from men throughout sex and not just ejaculation!!! Lots of unplanned pregnancies happen this way!!!

Unless you are planning to get pregnant, you need to sort out your contraception, go to the supermarket and get a test, they are only a couple of pounds and if its negative then get your pill sorted out!!!
I often forgot to take my pill and now i set a recurrant alarm on my mobile to remind me to take it at the correct time each day.

12-04-10, 21:42
Well, let's see....I am currently 7 1/2 months pregnant and my husband never...ahem...."finished" his business. So yes, it's very likely that you could be pregnant!! And according to my calendar, it was NOT my fertile time of the month either, so I thought I was safe and didn't bother taking the morning after pill. My son should be born in early June. :blush: