View Full Version : Post Nasal Drip

07-04-10, 10:00
A colleague of mine is a social smoker, smoking weekends and a few each evening. She has given up totally now and is complaining that she keeps getting a dripping from the nose into her throat which is clear and keeps having to clear her throat. I have told her that I reckon that this is due to her quitting smoking and that her sinus` are clearing, though she disagrees as she says that she only smokes at weekends when out with friends and max of 2 or 3 each evening, never during the daytime and as so should not experience any withdrawal effects. Over to you guys, am I right?

07-04-10, 10:29
Yes, you could be right, but there are other reasons/causes for post-nasal drip too so it's hard to pin-point exactly.

However, when a lifestyle change coincides with a reaction or new symptom then it's likely to be the cause.

So I'd be inclined to agree with you re the smoking cessation link.

07-04-10, 10:40
She believes that it`s the beginning of a cold or an allergy - hayfever etc, as this has been coming on and off for 2 - 3 weeks, around about the time that she quit. I reckon she will probably have another week or so then start to see an improvement as her sinus` etc must be clearing the muck out, even that she was a light / social smoker.

07-04-10, 14:55
Hey there -

Another overlooked cause of post-nasal drip is hormones - it's a side effect of birth control pills, and of a fluctuant estrogen level.

It could be anything. I get it in the mornings after sleeping - I'm allergic to the dust mites that call my favourite pillow 'home'. Some foods can cause it, temperature can cause it. Even acid reflux! Anything.