View Full Version : Just joined

07-04-10, 12:27
Hi there, I'm Shaz and have suffered with anxiety, panic and depression in the past but got over it.

I have had a horrible 3 years, marriage break up, selling house, major debt, 2 miscarriages. I seemed to cope with it well, but I suppose really I have been doing the old avoiding situation thing for a while, and have been drinking much more to cope.

Have been to the doctor and am on Fluoxetine, which have not kicked in yet as not been taking for long enough.

I am off work today as I could not face going in. I had a horrid panic attack at work yesterday. I felt breathless, was shaking and felt so hot. I left work early and on the way home chest felt tight and a bit sore and my legs like jelly.

I want to empower myself to get better again, but feel such a freak right now.

I have to lot to be happy about, with a lovely partner now and getting married in August, and so I beat myself up for feeling as I do.

07-04-10, 12:28
Hi ShazAtko

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

07-04-10, 12:30
Thank you, I feel better just for having joined. Feels like a very positive step.

pink daisy
07-04-10, 17:02
Hi Shaz

I am kate..

I live in somerset :-) I am 31 and I suffer with agoraphobia

welcome to nmp hope we get to know each other soon x

Vanilla Sky
07-04-10, 20:03
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome: Paige x

margaret jones
07-04-10, 21:09
Hi Shaz welcome when is the wedding ?? is it in a church ?? are you having a honeymoon ?? sorry you are feeling down but you will get loads of help and good advice on NMP it has helped me loads xxxxxxc Maggie

08-04-10, 12:38
Hi Shaz welcome when is the wedding ?? is it in a church ?? are you having a honeymoon ?? sorry you are feeling down but you will get loads of help and good advice on NMP it has helped me loads xxxxxxc Maggie

It's August 21st and it's at the local Municipal Buildings. We are off to Shrewsbury on the 23rd as we help on set up team for the big folk festival there, and that is such a good laugh, have made some very good friends there, so that is honeymoon!

08-04-10, 13:24
Welcome Shaz. You have had some difficult times which were bound to have an outcome I guess. Time is a great healer. I hope you feel better soon

11-04-10, 21:06
HI! your not the only one i beat myself up to and get very very angry with myself.Its good that you have a good partner is he understanding? mine isnt and gets frustrated at me most times and thinks i should try harder to get better but us that are going through this find it hard

12-04-10, 13:07
HI! your not the only one i beat myself up to and get very very angry with myself.Its good that you have a good partner is he understanding? mine isnt and gets frustrated at me most times and thinks i should try harder to get better but us that are going through this find it hard

Yes, thankfully, my partner is very understanding, I just feel a bit guilty for putting in through it all at times.

12-04-10, 19:57
i know what you mean.i wish mine was more understanding and didnt get fed up with me as it just makes me feel worse:weep:

12-04-10, 20:23
i know what you mean.i wish mine was more understanding and didnt get fed up with me as it just makes me feel worse:weep:

Is it just that he doesn't understand the whole anxiety/panic thing? A lot of people don't. My chap is wonderful, but not sure he totally understands the whys and wherefores, but is always supportive and there for me. That's what counts.

12-04-10, 20:41
yeah think he doesnt properly understand the whole anxiety thing as non suffers dont.does your paartner stay with you when you are having a bad time

14-04-10, 13:44
yeah think he doesnt properly understand the whole anxiety thing as non suffers dont.does your paartner stay with you when you are having a bad time

Yeah he does, if I want him to.

14-04-10, 21:19
Your lucky mine doesnt as he has to go to work and says he cant take time off.This makes me feel more alone and scared as feel i have no one to turn to when i really need them.