View Full Version : What do you do?

07-04-10, 14:42
I absolutely dread this question coming up because I'm unemployed and have been for a long time... I blush and stammer and just draw a complete blank when I'm asked. What can I say?

I'm aiming for a degree with the open university, so I do a couple of courses a year which takes up a little bit of time but mentioning this invariably gets an 'oh... that's good that you're doing something' which makes me feel worse :blush:

A few months ago I started volunteering at the zoo- doing almost everything the keepers did. It was like a dream, I loved every minute of it but on my third day I had a panic attack and ran out of the zoo, ending up getting lost! I hadn't told anyone about my panic attacks (I hadn't had any in years) and the head keeper said I couldn't come back any more and I had let them down :weep:. Everyone was so proud and some even envious when they knew I was working at the zoo but I completely blew it!:doh:

So, what do you do? And how do you deal with your anxiety at work (if you work)?

07-04-10, 15:12

Im so sorry that the volunteering at the zoo ended that way. Volunteering at a zoo would be like a dream for me too so when I read what you said I felt bad for you. Sadly those who do not deal with anxiety in any way really don't understand it at all. Is there a way that you could speak to them and inform them that you suffer and have times when you have panic attacks? If they are aware they may be more understanding. To them it may just look like one day you just walked out?!

Like yourself right now I am unemployed, have been since december and I really hate it, its part of the reason my mental health has gone downhill since and I know exactly what you mean about other people's perception of being out of work. On Monday my sister had a right go at me about not having a job saying I should just get any job, even look at working in a shop in the god awful village my mum has moved us to!!! She doesn't seem to understand two things, one I have a degree in which I want to work in the area I studied and two, I have found it hard to get back into work because this is the longest I have been out of work! Some people just don't and won't understand but in the end you can only do what you can. With periods being where you should try and push the barrier a bit! I do want to find work because I find it easier to deal with my "stuff" when im busy! Try and keep yourself busy, always here if you need an ear to bend!
Laura xx

07-04-10, 15:28
That is a real shame about the Zoo, but its happened now so try not to dwell on it. I think its improtant to be honest with people from the start, tell them you get occasional panic attacks, Im sure they wont judge you for it. I worried for days when I started volunteering a few yrs back as to if I should tell them or not, in the end I told them and no one batted an eyelid! I think if I hadn't told them I would have worried about it so much I would have had a panic attack and probably ended up running away too!.

I HATE being asked that question too! Im in the SAME situation as you and Laura (above!) and whenever I see old friends or people pop up on MSN they ask me what im doing now and its embarassing to have to say I am unemployed! I really want to get a job but I havent had one for so long and now I have anxiety to go with it, its like you said people always ask why not, what have you been doing etc... its like a vicious cycle!

I think there are probably a lot of people on here who understand! :)

07-04-10, 15:56
Thanks for both of your replies, it's great to know there are more people going through this and I'm not alone. :flowers:

07-04-10, 16:01
I get particularly anxious at work, but my Line Manager knows all about it, as does her manager and they are being very supportive. Like today, had a bad night, did not sleep so did not go in. I would say make your work colleages aware, it really does help.

07-04-10, 16:06
Hey! Nice one to be doing an OU course, and the zoo job. I'm two years in on mine, the OU that is I don't own a zoo :weep:. What courses are you doing? When I started I though they might be fairly light, at least to start with, but they're as demanding if not more than a 'real' uni course.

They do have a full blown careers service BTW so you could always ask them for help, and they have specialised staff to help students (I do like that phrase - makes me feel young!) with disabilities and mental health is as much a one as a physical problem. Give 'em a try on the phone or e-mail not a lot to lose.

Good luck with the course however.
