View Full Version : Retinal Scan

Rachel W
07-04-10, 15:04
Hi guys,

A year and a half ago I went to an ophthamologist as I get vertigo from a car accident in 2004 and even though it was found that I had right vestibular damage because my vertigo still came on periodically they thought I should also have my eyes looked at. I had a field vision exam and it was normal and then I had a regular eye test which is when I noticed that my central vision in my right eye was not quite right. I did not know how to describe it and the guy doing the eye test did not seem to be concerned and I believe that he thought I was just describing unclear vision.

When I went in to see the doctor he looked into my eyes and said that there was some discolouration on parts of my retina but this can be common in blue-eyed people and only if I had risk factors for macular degeneration (ie. age, smoking, family history) would he be concerned.

The problem is the next day the weird vision that I had noticed was a worry and I looked up 'distorted vision' and came up with the amsler grid and low and behold I DO have distorted vision. I had first noticed this after the accident when having an in doctor's office physical but I thought it had been because I had just been covering that eye with my hand (I remember this twice) - but because I hadn't gotten an eye test at all since I was a teenager (18 or so years before) I do not know if it was from the car accident or not, but assume that it may have been as I also noticed that summer that my distant vision when reading signs was not as good.

Of course I panicked and rushed myself to the hospital and they examined my eyes and then did a retina scan and took photographs of my retina and they said that my scan was textbook normal.

Now I am worried that these blotches were early lesions caused by some other eye disease and could be a cause of recent floaters that I have started noticing. My question is, if these marks on my retina had been the beginning of anything serious, would they have realised it with such a thorough exam? Do the scans prove that my eyes at least at the time were completely healthy?

I never went and had my optical nerve tested and assume that it was nerve damage just like the vestibular damage on the same side, and the distortion seems exactly the same and has not deteriorated. I am just really scared that my eyes are diseased and the marks on the retina were a start of something that is getting worse.

I have been on the computer a lot lately and so my eyes have also felt irritated and tired and strained. I have also had a lot of anxiety about my health.

These floaters are definitely newer, but could they be from anxiety and tiredness? Can they ever get better as everyone online says that they are there to stay?


07-04-10, 16:20
floaters and tiredness are so common dont worry god bless

08-04-10, 22:54
be wary of being a cybercondriac (i.e. self diagnosis from the internet).
note the condition and discuss it with your gp.
also be aware that some dont like patients being knowledgable - i went to see a endocrinoloigst recently and showed her the ingredients for the supplements i was taking for adrenal fatigue and suggested i had weak adrenals. The look on her face you would have thought i had crapped on her desk. :D

I also have vision problems (pain, blurry) all originally brought on and made worse by stress. i think that stress about vision is the worst as you can see the symptoms youre worrying about all the time - its had to forget about them.

Rachel W
10-04-10, 00:31
has anyone had quite large long floaters with dark blotches though and is there hope that they can go away? Most of the time I have at least one in my vision (quite new), sometimes a few and as they are large they look like there are 10 but I think there are 4 max.

Has anyone had these and then they go away? I know that they don't dissolve but is it possible for them to go and stay out of view again?