View Full Version : hello i am new

07-04-10, 16:52
Hi i am new to this site and am enjoying reading all the help and info I have been suffering from anxiety for the past 3 yrs and have so many symptoms i cant get a grip on it little list being acid reflux ,dizziness, edgy, palpatations ,nausous , panic attacks my first panic attack happened when my husband had a major heart attack and has since had 2 more minor ones so my worrry as you can see is constant and can not and does not go away he on the other hand is going on as normal me it knocked for six and i have sufffered ever since my gp says its pst really i dont care what they call it anxeity post traumatic stress its all the same i suffer and that is what my life is like i still work part time i force my self to go would love to just curl under the duvet and stay there till all this goes away so sorry to sound so much on a the down side but as you all must know for those that suffer its very difficult to remain positive and i suppose today is not one of those for me i hope to gain some info help here and just maybe help others if i can x

07-04-10, 16:53
Hi ladyj

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

07-04-10, 16:53
I have to force myself to go to work as well. Today not a good day and I did not go in. I know how you feel. x

07-04-10, 17:03
Sorry you are not feeling good today I really feel its one of the better things i can do make myself go to work i must say while i am there i do not think so much about how i am feeling i am holiday this week so i know its my fault time to spare that makes me so self aware thats part of the problem distraction is the key i have learnt over these past 3 yrs be kind to your self and may be indulge in a long soak in the bath with some lavender oils and a good book it works for me and helps

Vanilla Sky
07-04-10, 20:02
Welcome to NMP :welcome: Paige x

07-04-10, 20:23
Welcome. Sorry you have all these symptoms, must be hard trying to work feeling like that.

Hope you get some support here. Best wishes

07-04-10, 23:52
Hi ladyj, welcome to NMP :)