View Full Version : Over the moon. Me and hubby are going to try for our second child!

07-04-10, 16:55
Im completley over the moon the fact that we are going to extend our family.. The doctor has agreed that its best if i stay on my medication (prozac).. Im just really worried to though. I was pregnant late last year and because my tablets were taken off me i had a major relapse which ended horribly with me having an abortion. Which was and is still a very upsetting time for me. The only reason the doctor has agreed to keep me on prozac now is because my phycologist written to him saying she wanted me to stay on them when i fall pregnant! But im frightenend that i may feel the way i felt in my last pregnancy! Im just hoping there is somebody else out there really that can reasure me that being on the meds will help me to feel happy about my pregnancy. Thanks Guys xx

07-04-10, 17:45
Can't coment on meds, but just wanted to congratulate you both!


07-04-10, 18:04
Same here, look forward to seeing the pictures as and when.

one of us

sarah jayne
07-04-10, 18:53
Congratulations i think your really brave. I'd love to have another baby but i darent with the way i am at the moment. Have you got any children already ?
Sarah xx

07-04-10, 20:33
Thanks guys :) Hi Sarah! Yes i already have a daughter that is turning 4 in May. If its want you want Sarah then discuss it with your doctor. Im scared to but im hopeful, especially that im staying on my meds makes me feel stronger and better about it. X

07-04-10, 20:38
Congrats and good luck to you. Sounds like you have a good and understanding doctor

07-04-10, 21:01
Thanks Typer :)

12-04-10, 22:01
Congratulations on your decision! You sound exactly like me! Two years ago, I was taking Klonopin for panic attacks and accidentally got pregnant. I was devestated and certainly not in the right frame of mind to be having another baby. After speaking with my doctors, it was determined that there was no guarantee that the medication did not affect the baby. Well very early in the pregnancy, I was so sickly that I told everybody this baby was killing me - I really thought I was going to die. I couldn't function, so in my mind, my only option was to terminate the pregnancy. I went through with it and immediately felt relief after the procedure. After the procedure, they tested the material that was removed and found that there was a serious problem with the baby and it would have cause life threatening complications for me. What exactly it was, they wouldn't tell me. They just said that I made the right decision. I knew that without a doubt, but it's still very difficult to deal with, even though it was determined that it was medically necessary.

So now, I'm currently 7 1/2 months pregnant with my 3rd child! I haven't taken any meds throughout this whole pregnancy, however I wasn't taking any before the pregnancy either, except for the occasional Xanax. I turned to vitamins and supplements - I visited an all natural pharmacy in my area and found a great alternative to Xanax. I cleared it with my doctor and that is what I've been taking. I have to have a c-section and I have a fear of something being wrong with my heart, so I am terrifed to have the surgery - and I only have 2 months to go! So my third trimester has been a little rough for me. I've noticed that I've had more panic attacks, but I get through them because I've had 2 c-sections before and I know that I can do it again! So for me, I'm trying to work off of willpower!! I'm crossing my fingers that it works!

There are plenty of medications that are safe to take during pregnancy. If your doctor thinks that the benefits of taking the medication outweigh the risks to the baby, then you will be safe taking the medication. If you're already taking it, it will work the same way it works now. Nobody can tell you how you're going to react and/or feel when that pregnancy hormone enters your body....I know that I had a really rough time in the beginning. I didn't think I could do it....I wanted to terminate again. But I realized that there was no good reason for it this time and this was something that I wanted. I knew that I wasn't trying to prevent pregnancy as well as I could have been. It was my decision and I wasn't going to let some silly anxiety ruin my life. And I had the full support of my entire family, which really helped a lot. They reminded me that I am a strong woman and I have 2 beautiful girls - and maybe this will be the baby that changes the world!! So here I am. My baby boy will be here in early June. Now I'm just hoping and praying that I don't freak out on the operating table or cause myself to have a heart attack!!! That's the next obstacle that I'm facing!! All I can do is take one day at a time....