View Full Version : Thought it's about time to get some online support!

07-04-10, 18:30
Hi everyone, my name is Samantha/Sami and I only found this website today.. i wish I'd stumbled across it earlier.

I've been struggling with anxiety of all types since I was 17 years old, possibly before, but this was the age it manifested into something more as it got so bad that I had to quit college which I obviously wasn't too happy about!

I'm 22 now, and as a result of the anxiety it's caused me to have agoraphobia, insomnia and depression. I'm not sure on average how old everyone here is but I've never met anyone near my age who's had similar problems as bad.
Even though I'm sure many people here have been suffering for many more years than me, I feel like I've already missed out on so much such as my education, career prospects, and losing all my friends.. (It's probably best not to mention love prospects either!).

Generally I just feel very frustrated with it as I've always wanted to do something worthwhile with my life and would love nothing more than to follow my career dreams of becoming an Illustrator but not being able to leave my home or being able to use the telephone is causing quite a problem!

I didn't seek help until 2years ago when I finally admitted to a doctor (through a handwritten letter taken to her by my family!) about my problems which has led me onto a course of recovery. First starting with anti-depressants, then tranquilisers to stabilise me and to regulate my sleep as sometimes I would go up to 4 days without sleep due to the anxiety!
A year ago I started seeing a CPN which has really helped.. she got me into supported housing where I received low level support by my key worker and I've started CBT.

Just 3 days ago I moved 70miles away from the area I grew up in(and my family) to live in Supported Housing with a higher level of support! A very big decision for me but also very scary, and lonely, which is why I wanted to find a forum so I could chat to other people with similar problems.

I'm sure you're all great people and I look forward to getting to know you :)

07-04-10, 18:32
Hi swissyrolly

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

pink daisy
07-04-10, 19:40
Hi Sam

Im kate please to meet you

Kate x

07-04-10, 19:46
Hiya Sami

Welcome! Although I don't really feel it's my place to say that as I only joined the forum a few days ago too. However, I wish I'd found it sooner because it's made me realise I am not alone!

Like you, I feel I have missed out on some important things in life because of this damn anxiety and my panic attacks so if you ever need to chat or want some support, please personal message me!

How do your family feel about your moving away?

Big hugs

07-04-10, 19:50
Hello Sami

You're certainly not alone in suffering with these problems. Depression/anxiety doesn't discriminate with age - it can affect anyone, at any time.

Welcome to the forum and I'm sure you'll find it very helpful here and feel at home.

07-04-10, 19:52
Hi Sami, Im Julie, what a very brave thing you did 3 days ago :) I hope this move really helps your recovery. I too feel Ive missed out alot with the anxiety, putting things on hold, and not daring to go out and get on with my life. If you want to chat more please message me. Take care Julie :)

07-04-10, 19:55
Thank you both!
I really hope to get to know people on here, it feels great to know people understand.. anxiety is a very misunderstood illness and I had no friends who could understand how I felt so it's nice to know I always have a place to come to if i need to chat.

As for me moving away, I've actually lived by myself since I was 17, when the anxiety started (possibly a cause?) and no matter how bad it's got, I've always been determined not to move back in with my mother as I've always felt that would do more harm than good to my confidence and self-esteem.
My mother was nervous for me about moving so far away but was reassured when she came to see my new place.. which has numerous support workers who are based here in the building every single day and provides accommodation for people between the ages of 16-30 who have mental health issues, learning difficulties, other problems etc.. I get one-to-one support here with my key worker as well as group sessions (which i really need.. i never used to see anyone in my former place due to the agoraphobia) and confidence-building workshops.
I'm also halfway between my mother and father now.. my father lives in south wales (where i'm originally from) so that's a plus!

I'm just trying to settle in at the moment and get used to my new surroundings.. as you can probably understand, my nerves have gone to shot since I moved whilst trying to come to terms with the new place and having to have a new doctor and meeting new people, but it'll be worth it in the long run I hope!

07-04-10, 20:28
Yes a lot of changes. Although it does sound like you will have lots of support and help to move forward, change is always hard and moving is on the top of the stress lists.

Welcome...you are not alone and you will find here, many people like yourself.

07-04-10, 21:11
Hi Sami

I am a newbie to and have felt so comforted already by the contact I have had with people on here.

It does not matter how old you are, anxiety and depression do not discriminate. I am 41 but have had it on and off for a lot of my adult life hun x

08-04-10, 10:11
Thank you everyone for the warm welcome :) I've been talking to a few people through private messages already and people are so nice here. I'm glad I've found the place, feels like home already lol :)

08-04-10, 12:10
I feel sad for you to be in this position at such a young age. My problems did not begin, until I was in my 30's . Anxiety which then evolved into depression. I was always convinced that the cause was physical, because I am not a very sensitive person, or very introspective. Finally a very switched on Dr diagnosed me with three causes which you can investigate for yourself pyroluria histadellia copper overload Twenty months later my life is completely changed. Once more I have a successful business, and am beginning to reconnect socially. The treatment involves rigerous blood and urine testing and taking custom made compounded nutrients to rebalance my blood chemistry.You will find lots of info on the web. This is not mainstream and it is really difficult to find trained Dr's and when you do it can take ages to get appointments. Bio labs UK offer testing, bit I had mine by a Pfeiffer Research Institute trained Dr.