View Full Version : Sertraline Increase - Day 8 - Feeling sooo anxious!

07-04-10, 19:40
My doctor changed me from Seroxat to Sertraline over a month ago because I gradually found myself becoming more and more anxious (been on seroxat for nearly 10 years). I took 50mg for nearly 4 weeks and was still not feeling great so they increased my dose to 100mg 8 days ago.

However I am feeling sooooo anxious now that I am struggling to go outside the house!!! Mornings are awful and I just want to opt out of life completely! I was better 6 weeks ago before I changed my meds and wish I'd never gone to the doctors in the first place.

Is this normal and has anyone else been through this when increasing their dose of meds? I can't even decide if it's worth being on them because I feel so bad. I am sure people will stay stick with it but I need some personal assurances from people who have actually been where I am now to be able to believe things will change.

07-04-10, 19:57
It will improve Sarah. I've been on sertraline for many months now and when I increased my dose I felt anxious for a while but after a few weeks it abated.

Stick with it (you knew I'd say that...).

07-04-10, 20:07
I did know you'd say that but I really do need to hear from people who have been where I am now to fully believe it will get better so thanks for the support Melancholia.

Does the anxiety actually go away on these meds or does it just dull it a bit? I am really struggling to even go more than a couple of miles away from the house now (in case I need to come home quickly if I get over anxious or have a panic attack!) Even taking my kids to the park opposite our house was a big no-no today. I think I'm getting worse rather than better!

07-04-10, 20:20
It will feel as though you're getting worse Sarah but trust me, once the med settles and your system gets used to the higher dose you'll feel 10 times better.

The anxiety may not go completely but you'll feel 95% better. I do.

Good luck and "stick with it"!

07-04-10, 21:28
Hi Sarah.

I am not on sertraline, but I have increased my meds this week, just by a teeny tiny dose and I am feeling a LOT more anxious too. Im in a pickle now too because Im wondering if I should go back down to the dose I was on, but that wasnt working great either but I was definitely not this anxious! I guess we should just stick with it and hope for the best. Know how you feel and Wishing you well :)

16-03-11, 08:36
I too have just started sertraline, after being on and off Seroxat for 15 years and feel so anxious at the moment only being on them for a week, I know I have to give them a couple of weeks to settle down only wish I could hide away for those weeks.

16-03-11, 10:11
My b/f is going through this exactly! He is not on this med but still feeling like you say, mornings awful, can't even think about leaving the house, if I mention a walk he just looks at me so scared and says there is no way I can.

Last night he was pacing around full of anxiety and adrenalin, feeling like he was going mad but this I believe is anxiety at its highest :weep:

16-03-11, 11:21
My doctor changed me from Seroxat to Sertraline over a month ago because I gradually found myself becoming more and more anxious (been on seroxat for nearly 10 years). I took 50mg for nearly 4 weeks and was still not feeling great so they increased my dose to 100mg 8 days ago.

However I am feeling sooooo anxious now that I am struggling to go outside the house!!! Mornings are awful and I just want to opt out of life completely! I was better 6 weeks ago before I changed my meds and wish I'd never gone to the doctors in the first place.

Is this normal and has anyone else been through this when increasing their dose of meds? I can't even decide if it's worth being on them because I feel so bad. I am sure people will stay stick with it but I need some personal assurances from people who have actually been where I am now to be able to believe things will change.

Hi Sarah
I change from Citopram to Sertaline over a month ago now. I felt that Citolpram was not for me. The first 2 weeks were really bad, I dont know how I managed to get into work but I did. I just wanted to stay in bed forever and cry. I also went from 50 to 100. Now on week four I am starting to feel a lot better. Still a long way to go but now I feel there is hope. Hope this helps? Let me know how you get on?

20-03-11, 21:28
I'm interested in following your progress Sarah because I'm going through the same thing. I had some good years on Zoloft but tried to go back on and it made me feel horrible for 7 weeks! I'm back on Celexa but still trying to feel better again. I may have to try something else. It makes you wonder if we are ever going to get better again!