View Full Version : Period/PMS/Birth Control Pill Questions.

07-04-10, 20:06
Hi All,

I am 21 years old. I have been on the pill since I was 15 or so. Before starting the pill I had very irregular periods.

This January I developed globus hysterics and I was unable to take my medication, so I went off the pill. I was going to start taking it again in February but my health anxiety got in the way and I began worrying about all of the possible side effects.

My period was fine and regular in January and February. I usually get it towards the end of the month/beginning of the next month.

Towards the end of March I had all of my typical PMS symptoms, feeling anxious, weight gain, acne.... but no period.

Now it's April 7th and I am soo nauseous. I have been for the last four or five days. I feel really ill. I haven't vomited I am just incredibly nauseous. And I still have no period.

My mind automatically goes to everything extreme. I am worried I am pregnant (I haven't had sex since January, and I have had a normal period since then.) Or that my appendix is going to burst, or something else.

I know the pill takes a few months to get out of your system, and I know that nausea is a normal pms symptom. I just haven't had a "normal" period in a long time since I've always been on the pill.

Is this normal for PMS? Or is this something else...

07-04-10, 20:38
I think the best thing to do is rule out a pregnancy. Do a pregnancy as soon as possible. Even if you have stopped your pill you should continue to have periods. They say the first period from stopping your pill isnt a true period and that you cant get pregnant but this is untrue as i concieved my daughter whilst i had this untrue period. Pregnancy test sweet thats what i recommmend. I think there may be a good chance you are pregnant. If it comes back negative then a trip to the doctors x

07-04-10, 20:40
I forgot to say that in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy you still get all your period symptoms. Spots period pain the lot. Your body still thinks its getting ready for a period. x

07-04-10, 20:48
It wasn't unprotected sex. I used a condom. We always used pills+condoms.

07-04-10, 21:03
My last period actually was March 4th. So I had one in January, had sex with a condom just after my period in January, had a period in February, and one in March. It's just my April one that is messed up.

07-04-10, 21:11
Dear Turtleonaleash,

If your periods were always irregular maybe it's just that. The nausea could be the anxiety I have suffered with similar nausea before and it was just like with pregnancy, but I wasn't . Sometimes I feel sick for a whole week. Equally if your anxiety has been bad lately then that could play havoc with your cycle. I say give it one more month and then see your G.P if things are still dodgy

Trying x

07-04-10, 21:19
If you dont like the advice then why ask for it? And you didnt exactly say that you had used condoms did u? You should have sed all that before i wasted my time on commenting trying to help you.

07-04-10, 21:21
I was thinking that. Usually every morning I feel ill. I have everyday for YEARS. and I know a lot of that is anxiety related, but this has been all day everyday for about four days. It feels better when I eat for some reason...

I know stress can screw up periods, and the fact that my period is screwed up at the moment is stressing me out even more. haha.
I use to get one two week long period and then no period for months. But I have been on the pill for so long and my periods were perfect.

I'm thinking maybe I should take a pregnancy test just to quiet my brain, even though I am 98% sure I am not pregnant. Since going off the pill I've had sex once and that was with a condom and I've had three periods since then, plus no weight gain, no vomiting, just nausea.

07-04-10, 21:22
I'm sorry Sammie, I wasn't trying to be rude. I DO appreciate your advice.

07-04-10, 22:33
Dear Turtle,

Yes I think it's a good idea to take a test just to put your mind at rest..... I hope your periods sort themselves out soon , I have been having alot of problems with mine for the last 2 years, after having normal periods for all of my life ( I'm 28 ) Most of it has been due to the contraceptive injection and before that the implant. But I know how unsettling these things can be. x