View Full Version : Hit top of my head on tube!

08-04-10, 09:40

About 40mins ago I was getting on the tube and banged the top of my head as I was boarding.

Maybe Im panicking, but my head is sore and I feel slightly fuzzy. Im at work and fine, but Im really anxious about a brain tumor from it.

I dont think it was a particularly heavy bang at all, but all the same im worried.

What should I look out for if its serious??

I dont want to go docs should i not have too, just wasting there time etc..

margaret jones
08-04-10, 12:10
Peter Hi you will have a sore head the skin is very thin on our scalps so dont worry just duck down next time

Take Care Maggie:hugs:

08-04-10, 12:36
Hi Peter

You will not get a brain tumour from hitting your head on the tube. If it makes you feel better, I banged down my car's hatchback on my head last night - that really bloody hurt! It hurt, went numb for a bit, then I felt fuzzy - but I'm absolutely fine today. Please try to reassure yourself that you are ok.


08-04-10, 12:37
OK take a deep breath and think logically - could a tumour really have grown in the 40 minutes between you hitting your head and your post?

The more you think about it the more you will realise that this is impossible. As Maggie says, the skin there is very thin and may well feel tender for a few days.

Hope you feel better soon.

08-04-10, 12:41
Hi there, as above really, but as a trained First Aider I would just say if you start to feel at all drowsy or slurry in speech or get a bad headache, then seek medical advice. That's just basic advice for anyone who has a knock on the head.

However, I am sure you will be just fine.

08-04-10, 12:42
aaaaaahh thanks guys & gals.

I just seem to catastrophise everything!

Thank you very much :bighug1:

08-04-10, 19:51
Hi again,

maybe im just working myself up but ive had a headache all day. Thing is its on the other side of the head from where I had the bang.

I dont feel dizzy or have slurred speech, just the headache. At times it has moved about.

Am I worrying about nothing???

09-04-10, 01:20
The answer is YES
I am sorry to be blunt but please do not worry about this, it was a bang on the head and I am sure this is not the 1st time you have done this.
Think about it, you knock yourself in other area's of your body, are they tender for a day or so if you touch that area well YES ... same goes for the head area. You have just knocked yourself and it will be tender for a bit and you probably will have a head ache from it.

I fell over last year from my fiances back and smacked the back of my head on concrete ... I am fine and had no issues except for a THROBBING headache for days with a slight concusion.

I can assure you that you are OK so please try not to stress.


09-04-10, 10:52
Hey, I always stress out after I bang my head (and I'm very clumsy, so it happens a lot!). However, having also taken my children to A&E after head bangs a few times (the clumsy gene!) I now just look for the signs they always ask about - Did you/they lose consciousness? Did you/they vomit afterwards? Are you/they seriously lethargic of slurring your words? If none of those symptoms are present after a knock to the head, I try not to worry.

09-04-10, 11:21
From another Peter, mate there is no way a bump on the head can cause a brain tumour. I have a brain abnormality that is being investigated as we speak it maybe a tumour, and your symptoms just do not fit, you will be fine,


09-04-10, 13:42
Thanks everyone.

I do feel alot better today. I dont know why I panic about my health, but I do :shrug:

But you all have made me feel alot better so thank you! :bighug1: