View Full Version : scared of theatre-help!

18-01-06, 19:40
Hi everyone, i've been invited to the theatre with some friends- but i'm scared to go! It will involve going in someones car for an hour there and back, i don't know where we will be sitting (they've already booked it- free tickets) I have managed to go before, but i like to drive myself/ book a seat at the end of a row etc etc. It would be easy for me to make an excuse, but i really want to go. Help!

India xx

18-01-06, 19:59

I can feel for you here cos about 3 years ago I wanted to go and see Joseph and booked the tickets and never even thought about the seating etc.

Well we were right in the middle of a row so to get out would mean moving about 6 people either side.

It took me about 30 minutes to settle down cos I was getting panicky and feeling that I wanted to run out.

I sat calmly doing some breathing exercises and in the end I calmed down and loved the show so it can be done.

Take some rescue remedy in some water to sip and some mints or something to suck.

Try to engross yourself in the show and you will be fine.

What are you going to see?


18-01-06, 20:40
Little Britain!!! xxx

18-01-06, 20:44
Oh in that case you will be laughing too much to panic!


18-01-06, 20:49
Hi India,
God, I am so with you on this one!
I always book end of the row seats too. But recently, i made a mistake and booked seats near the middle. After an initial freak out, I settled down a bit and managed to enjoy some of the show.
It's not an ideal situation, but you can deal with it!
henri xx

18-01-06, 23:26
One of our members sent a text - only 8 seats one way and 12 the other way to jump over when I freak out .

We never heard another thing until the show was over and all was well.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

30-01-06, 19:46
Hi India,
I do sympathize - I had last mintute seats which turned out to be up in the top tier and looking down it was just terrifying - plus I was in the middle of the row!

I ended up sitting on a step on the floor hanging on to a pillar because I couldn't bear to be in the seat and the staff kindly took pity on me and moved me (and my husband) to a huge seat in the stalls free of charge!

We learnt our lesson and now I always sit in the stalls at the end of a row.

Have a great evening, you've taken all the precautions so should be fine.

Best wishes


31-01-06, 10:41
I have this problem too. I feel claustaphobic and panicky in a theatre. Times I've missed out on a great show hence not booking.
From when I was younger, my family and I, as a tradition, went to panto in my City and we sat right in da middle. I felt so nervous! personally think that theatres don't have much air conditioning which makes it hard to breathe sometimes.
I always book a seat at the side. Still didn't help though when i was sat at the end of a row at a gig in a theatre cos I was sooooooooo nervous, I was trembling, shaking etc and just wanted to walk out. Whenever i do go to a theatre, I always focus on looking forward to the interview. Makes me feel a whole lot better!

31-01-06, 11:25
hi there
i recently had the same problem as we booked tics for my mum for xmas i thought it was ok as it was a small fringe theatre and seat yourself so we planned to get there early so i could go on the end well we got stuck in traffic took wrong bridge over thames and couldnt park so we arrived to 3 seperate seats on the end against a WALL so i was alone and trapped enevitably i had a panic attack which i breathed thru and went v quickly sipped water and after the interval i even managed to enjoy it please go as you will regret it if you dont and as its a comedy you will be fine and as i said to myself whats the worst that can happen you have to ask people to move its not the end of the world
and izza i once went to football and was in top row with a friend i got up there but had to come down in half time and end on my bum how cool did i look and i was with a boy i was trying to impress !!!!!!!!!!!!

31-01-06, 15:24
I have a big problem with the cinema, tho not as bad as I used to be.
Good advice in these replies, stuff like sitting on the end of the row close to the aisle really helps xxx:D

'To the world, you may be one person, but to one person, you may be the world'.

31-01-06, 18:33
Hi everyone,

I have to say how great it is to have found this site - my family have been making allowances for me for years and I now know I am not alone (or totally mad!).

Dan, I do sympathisize, I went to the cricket at Lords last year and of course the seat was in the middle of the row and high up, and I got completely terrified looking down. The seat in front of you seems so low down by your feet and you end up looking into space - I think it must be vertigo and claustrophobia too? But on that occasion I had a couple of drinks and that really helped!

best wishes to all

Izza x