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19-01-06, 03:16
This is my first time to post and I have a couple of questions. I will first introduce my situation however.

N.B. I didn't realise how long this post would be (had a bit of wine and a hard couple of weeks), you can skip to the end for the questions.

I have had social phobia since early secondary school, to a lesser degree then than now. This manifested and agorophobia and social phobia where both diagnosed by my mid teens, I am now 25.

I would describe myself as a functional agoro/social phobic these days, in the way functional alcoholics are portrayed. At one point (spanning many years) I would not leave the house unless drunk and have had (in the past, not now) several issues with substance/alcohol abuse in order to feel functional.

I have always been a driven person (I am pretty successfull in life and always try to do my best) and am rarely deeply depressed for more than a couple of weeks at a time, however when these weeks come I am a mess.

Panic attacks are still an everyday occurence (when I venture into public), and these tend to cascade for as long as I am in a situation outside my home/car.

The main worry I have is that I wet myself and have resorted to purposfully being in a state of dehydration, although this does not seem to help matters....it just means that if I do pee myself the urine is so dark in colour I cannot tip a glass and say it was the water.

I do not feel like I have the commonly listed symptoms of panic attacks, my heart rarely races and I rarely tremor these days, in the past my neck would lock and my head would bob around uncontrolably, however I still have the feeling of great fear. I usually have the feeling that I (my mind) am detached from my body and the slight feeling I do have in my body tells me I am sinking, into whatever I am sitting, leaning, standing on. Due to this detachment I feel as if I am not in control of my body, and this is where the loop (I will describe) comes into play.

If I am in a public place, obviously feeling anxious, I try to relax. However I seem to have actually developed a fear of relaxation. The moment I stop monitoring my body a panic attack occurs. I seem to have an imediate unconcious response to relaxation in a public place where I feel if I relax my muscles I will wet myself.......and this continues, I have the panic attack, try to relax, when I do relax for an instant I panic because I'm relaxed.

I am fully aware of how irrational this process is, even when I am taken by an attack. I know that no-one is out to get me, I most likely won't wet myself and this is all a product of my own mind and not the others around me making me feel this way. I obviously act oddly though since I squirm around, what feels like uncontrolably and people have picked up on this.

I was on sertraline for about 4-5 years and this did help somewhat, however it did make me agressive and on one occasion I ended up breaking a strangers femur after imagining he said something and my series of events taken during questioning by the police did not actually happen (such as the people who where there and the things I heard). I stopped taking the medication after my court appearance. My brother also became agressive on SSRI's, so maybe its a genetic trait?!

I have been on beta blockers on and off for many years, but they don't seem to help much any more.

Anyway, thats enough about me, time for the questions:

I was at psychiatrists/psychologists/social-workers fairly steadily between the age of 12 and 17-18 and didn't really get much from it. The feedback I got from these people ranged from zilch (usually from the psychiatrists, this is OK since they're there to diagnose) to them speaking constantly about utter crap (normally psychologists/occupational-therapists). I've not been in the past 7-8 years but am feeling as if I should maybe give them another whirl, they're maybe better these days.

**** there I go again, now my questions come.

Do you feel like this type of forums actually help? Or does it make you wallow in s

19-01-06, 08:20
First off - welcome to the site :)
I do think that this type of forum helps mostly because it lets everyone who comes on here know that they are not alone. I tended to feel so out of control and looked around in my everyday life and thought that I was the only one who felt this way and wondered if I was going mad.It is a very comforting thing to be able to come on here and know that other people feel the way I do and still function. That anxiety is a part of who I am but it isn't all I am. It doesn't have the control over me like it did because now I can come on here and say, ok this is how I feel and people who have been thru the same will let me know that they have felt the same way and have gotten thru it.
Believe me, I understand not wanting to show weakness! I went thru this for a long time never letting anyone know how bad it had really gotten because I didn't want anyone to know that I wasn't the supermom that I thought I should be tending to everyone elses problems and being so together(yeah right - lol)
In my case it doesn't make me dwell on my weaknesses - it gives me the power to face them straight on and say that I will come thru them. I know all that avoiding the things that would make me panic did was to make me stop living my life. I thought well if I just don't drive, I won't panic. Then it went to if I just don't go out to this certain place, I'll be fine. I ended up in trapped in my house, thinking that I was helping myself when in reality I was making the anxiety worse by avoiding all the things that made me anxious. I have started to take back my life. Being able to come on here and say how I feel and what I am going thru and get feedback on that and support has made all the difference. It is a very empowering thing.
I tell everyone that this is a site for support and friendship and along with that I have found that if I am in a feeling sorry for myself mode that I have people here who will give me a gentle nudge to get me back on track too.
I have a VERY hard time relaxing too sometimes. I know what you mean by the control thing. If you ask everyone on here I will bet that alot of them will admit to being a little bit of a control freak :) I know that I am.
As far as people who have turned things around, we do have several who have conquered anxiety and alot who are on the road to conquering it. It is a process and it takes alot of time and work. Unfortunately I am one who is still on the road and some days are better than others.I am sure that there will be replies from people on here who have conquered it tho.
I am sure that you will find alot of great info and meet a bunch of fab people on here. And don't ever worry about your posts being long. We like long posts here :)


If the world didn't suck... we'd all fall off :)

19-01-06, 08:43
answer to q 1. make them refere you to a cbt councillor, lots of people have amazing results with them.

answer to q 2. only been here for 1 week. feel it is a place i can air my fears ,so leaving others close to me who have really no idea, alone. also as sandy says, makes me feel less alone.

q 3. yes relaxing can feel like you are letting go. these fears we have are all about keeping control. therefore letting go is fearful

q4. no knoledge of this. sometimes feel in the outside world i am the only nervous person, but then i come here or read claire weekes book on nervous illness and no that this is not the case

q 5. yes, the first person i hace met on this sits describes himself as 85 % better after 1 year of cbt

i hope this helps. i am at the beginning of this fearful road but i no that living like i have done, in total fear for 4 years, in not the way i want to live. so why not join me, us, as we begin.

if this helps send me a private message. if it doesnt im sorry

all the best jackie

19-01-06, 13:19
Hi spoondyke,

welcome to the forum.

Unfotunately I am nearly always negative so you may get a different perspective from me. I is NOT intended to undermine anyone elses experience or advice after all we all have individual situations, problems and opinions etc.

1) I am sure that you would find lots of support on the forum and interesting replies to your posts, however me being truly negative at the moment sometimes I struggle to understand how people can be so positive, and yes this does make me feel more weak. I prefer not to think of myself as self-pitying but I do have depression and need no reminders of that. I guess that posting does help to offload sometimes and there are some really nice people here.

2)Yes I have a fear of relaxing 'in a situation' where I am phobic as similarly I have a fear of pooing my pants - nothing would be worse would it? and I have kept that to myself pretty much until now. It is dreadful, like you I squirm and tense up etc and if I did go to the loo there is absolutely nothing there. It is mad I know but when I leave the loo that dreadful urge comes back. It is a losing battle only to be won when the situations are avoided - hence agoraphobia. Note that is not my only fear though!!![V]

3)Yes being hyper vigilant makes me pick up on other peoples tics and nervous/anxious behaviours sometimes this makes me worse, sometimes makes me feel better that it is not just me!

4) I have read some very inspiring stories on this site of people who manage their symptoms well and it seems lead a good quality of life. Me, well I am too negative. I believe that because I have had probs for over 10 years that I am stuck with them forever. Having CBT currently, I am not really feeling much in the line of results though. Awaiting a psychiatrist's opinion so cannot comment on that for now.

Despite my negative post I come here nearly every day at some point. sometimes just to read but usually end up replying to some post or other and amaze myself how positive I CAN be where other people are concerned.

So, on a positive note, I hope that you get from this site what you want. There are lots of great people and there is a wealth of experience and knowledge and it is not all negative - have a look around.

19-01-06, 13:30

Firstly welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends.

Forums like this can really help you when you have a concern or if you feel like you are the only person who suffers with this.

It is always reassuring if you have a sympton and it worries you to be able to post about it and find out that everyone else also has the same symptoms, or if you need a question answered there is always someone who will have the answer to help you.

Take care

Trac XX

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

19-01-06, 14:12
Hi spoondyke

Welcome to the forum. I too have social phobia and have done since my early teens.

It makes sense that you feel anxious when trying to relax due to your fear of wetting yourself. When trying to prevent this it you are likely to tense your body to hold the urine in and so relaxing causes a feeling of loss of control. As you say, it is very unlikely you would wet yourself and deliberately dehydrating yourself is not likely to help.

Psychiatrists are not the best source of help for emotional problems, as they are mainly concerned with diagnosis and mental illnesses that require treatment by medication. Some CBT would be most likely to be beneficial to you.

I think forums like this can be very beneficial. I have made a number of friends here and am much less isolated than I was previously. I have also received support and encouragement with all my problems and have been making progress with my social phobia - talking is the worst aspect of this for me.

Have a read of some of the posts in the Successes section for inspiration and to see progress other members have been making.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

19-01-06, 16:54

Firstly - do not dehydrate yourself purposely - you don't want an opportunist infection on top of the rest of the issues. You kidneys and urinary system need using and flushing through.

THese forums help for support, isolation, sharing experiences, education and gaining inspiration and hope. Its true that for some becoming obsessive about being here is unhelpful as you pick up on others issues so take what you feel able to deal with out of here right now.

Read about depersonalization

D/Personalisation (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2304)
derealisation/depersonlisation (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2512)
Hi new member mom w/ panic and dp/dr (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=1239)
Disassociation (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2732)
when will this feeling leave? (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2971)
FEELING SPACED! (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4079)
?Derealisation (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4682)
My mind and depersonalisation (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5345)
Derealization (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5523)
Surreal, Unreal, Spaced-Out, Derealization etc (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5569)
Weird Feelings in Mind (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5622)
Feel Weird and Confused (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5833)
Is this Depersonlization or something worse? (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6009)
Anyone got any positive feedback on DP/DR? (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6044)
PMT, tiredness, and feeling of unreality (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6670)
[Link removed as post deleted]
Derealization (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=7230)

Common Symptoms of Panic Attacks, Anxiety, Phobias and OCD. (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/NMPcms.php?nmppage=symptoms)

First Steps to overcoming Panic and Anxiety (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=942)

Get some CBT help.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?