View Full Version : Hi, new here, but anxiety over 7 years... really need advice

08-04-10, 15:36

I'm a male, soon to be 31 years old.
This is the first time i write here.

Here's my story and my problems/questions (i'll try to brake it appart so its easier to read ;)).

My panic story started approximately 7 years ago, when one day at work i got these shivers/thumps in my chest and i felt like i couldn't breathe. It almost felt like i would blacout, but that didn't happen. It was so surreal and i thought i will die. I also got this weird kind of inner-shakiness in my hands. My coworkers called paramedics and they gave me some shot and i was basically fine within an hour.

Now after that i started cheking my pulse all the time. Tryed Xanax but didn't want to get overmedicated ;) Tryed cognitive therapy. Went through different doctors who all said i must have anxiety-panic disorder. So the years went on with a constant battle between fear and overcoming. I developed a fear to exercise caus it would rise my pulse. I was constantly thinking that there must be something wrong with me. I've literally had all the symptoms on anxiety disorder list. Last year i was the whole year on a Cipralex. It really helped a lot. On the other hand it kinda made me really ignorant and numb. And also coming off the drug wasn't so nice either... weird electrical headaches and head spins etc. Fortunately it disappeared in a month or so.

3 months after Cipralex. As a grown up i sould think that if last year i was almost feeling fine, exept few times per month, then i should be totally fine and in good health. But i just can't get my mind off some things. I have grown a lot with understanding what anxiety is and learnt to deal with it. So i don't get these panic attacks anymore. I don't have cold sweats and etc.

The problem is, that in most various situations i get sudden thump/palpitation in my chest, that instantly makes me cough. After that i go to anxiety mode and start to think that there still must be something wrong with me. I've also noticed this pressure feeling in my abdom (just below the ribs).... i feel like i want to push there with my finger. I don't know why. It might make me caugh even more. And since there has been few times when after caughin i get really very high heart beat in an instant i'm really afraid of it. This high heart beat has happened also when crouching and then standing up or just in regular activity. Also i feel i can't breath through my nose as good as i would like to. Could this palpitation be related to the fact that i might not get enough air in? One Dr prescribed me Nasonex, and unfortunately i googeled it, and now i can't take it because i found out that it might cause anxiety and palpitation :S I also get dizzy when exercising (exept swimming, wich is almost ok, most of the time). I also developed little reflux few months ago, and read that there might be also a link to anxiety - although i take some medicine against that right now, and it has gone away. But i do get this full stomach feeling all the time, even in the morning when i haven't eaten yet. And if i eat even a little bit, then doing something physical is almost impossible cause i can almost feel the palpitations coming (even though it might not be the case). Sometimes i have this really tight feeling in my chest and neck. And it gets really strong, and then all of the sudden i feel the urge to burp and then i feel much better after. Why?! What is that?

Last week i went to cardiologist and did ECCO, EKG (running test), blood test. Everything seems fine. I also have this high pitch sound that i hear very often and now i've started to get also this really low humming sound, so low it just causes a feeling of vibration in my ears. I went and let the dr check out my ears, and she said i might have Tinnitus. And there's no cure, just learn to live with it. Also when i go to a boat trip for example, then right after coming to land i will feel really dizzy, usualy the whole day after (dr told me it's part of it).

But i'm still trying to find something that connects the different feelings, sensations i have. I'm still afraid over the palpitations. It just drives me crazy, caus i want to believe it's just anxiety but something inside my head keeps telling me that there has to be something else that triggers anxiety and that it's not the root cause.

Ok, i'll finish here, because i already took too much of your time.
Anyways, i would really appreciate any feedback and comments.
I just don't want to waste my life on worring about things that i really don't have (IF I REALLY DON'T HAVE THEM.... BUT WHAT IF!?).

The main thing is that i want to start regural exercising.
Oh god, how i want to be my old self again :)

Thank you all,

08-04-10, 15:41
Hi jnuz

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

08-04-10, 16:17

Welcome on board, there's lots of wonderful people and the site's populated by the wonderful. I hope you manage to start exercising there's certainly one or two brave souls who have been known to fixate on treadmill running an hour per day.

But above all its good to find that you're not alone, so hope you find your time here well spent.

one of us

08-04-10, 19:40
Hi and welcome. I only joined here yesterday, but there is a wealth of help on the board.

08-04-10, 19:56
I'm sorry for writing so much here, for some reason i didn't see the rest of the forum before. So far it seems the best anxiety-panic website i've seen :)

08-04-10, 19:58
It's a nice ice breaker here, there is no limit to the number of words!