View Full Version : hi, im new, but not to anxiety!!

shining star
08-04-10, 16:56
Hi Everyone,

I will just give you a quick run on down on myself so far.....

I am 25 years old and I am from Australia. I have GAD and panic disorder for about 6 years now :weep::weep: on and off but last year and this year has been at its worst. I am not on any meds at the moment as I believe I can conquer this without them.:yesyes: I have had every single anxiety symptom imaginable, been to the ER lots and am constantly a local at doctors officers. All my tests so far have been fine and I guess I am just having a hard time dealing with it.:doh:
At this present time, i have alot of heart palpitations which are annoying and scarying me so much! :mad:

I dont do the things I used to do anymore which was dance, go out and have fun with my friends, when I do, I always have to come back home. Im just hoping I do find it in my head that this is all just anxiety, it is very comforting to know alot of people are suffering from this same condition and that we can all help each other the best we can.

All in all, i am trying to stay very strong, it is really hard at times, but hopefully we will all get there in the end.

Life is what you make of it. :yahoo:

I look forward to chatting to you all. :hugs:

Thanks for reading!!

08-04-10, 16:57
Hi shining star

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

08-04-10, 19:36
Hello. I only joined yesterday and feel right at home already!