View Full Version : driving test

08-04-10, 18:10
hi there i had a driving test yestaday and my panic was so trying to get the better of me . first of all i was sat in the waiting room ready to be called for the test. then i had the felling i was going to have an attack .. so i started thinking the worst ....this went on for about 2 mns just thinking. then two other plp came in to room doing there tests as well and they looked a lot worse then me and they dont even suffer as bad as i do lol ... so i just thought to myself you know this test anit going to kill or harm me.. ok i was a bit nervous but everyone is before there test . so with that my panic was gone . i passed my driving test with one minnor mark could not belive and now i have so much self confidece my panic attacks i know will not get in the way anymore .. thanks for reading sorry about spelling mistakes ....:):)

08-04-10, 18:17
Well Done, You :yesyes:. I always reward myself when I've gone through something stressful, like that. The more stress, the bigger the reward :D.

08-04-10, 19:04
Well done - really proud of you for doing it despite feeling the panic! That's so brilliant that you realise that you can do hard things despite the horrid feelings. Keep that feeling for as long as you can. I hope you are totally proud of yourself.
Helen x

08-04-10, 22:45
excellent work!!

well done you for overcoming your fears and going for it - i hope that will be me soon as im hoping to take my test as well.


10-04-10, 00:28

thats great, well done :yesyes:

mandie x

10-04-10, 09:20
Congratulations:yesyes: It's great when you pass your driving test and it opens up your world because you can just jump in the car and go anywhere!! Well done.
Myra x

10-04-10, 10:00
:yesyes: Well done you!!

I passed my test too many years ago to think about.... and it still makes me feel good when I remember it. Keep that positive thinking going!


12-04-10, 12:40
thanks everyone for your comments