View Full Version : So hot my face feels on fire and red blotchy chest when panicking...

08-04-10, 19:54
Hi all,

Really random one here but lately, during bad panic attacks.. i get really hot, and i dont mean the usual hot/sweaty feeling, i mean really hot.. my face feels like its on fire! My chest goes bright red and all blotchy and my face goes red .... its horrible, because other symptoms i can hide from ppl at work, but the blotchy chest is sooo embarrasing!!
Im guessing this is a symptom of the panic attack but just wondered if anyone else had this? And why does it happen??

Any advice would be great, thank you xx

08-04-10, 20:56
My face also goes red when I'm really nervous. I think it's common for some people. I think it just means our blood vessels are nearer the skin (I think I read that somewhere!). I also know people whose chests go blotchy when anxious so that's common too. People just take you for who you are so try not to let it worry you so much. Remember that we're only human and we all suffer from anxiety at some point or other. Some just show it different than others.
Myra x