View Full Version : My daily anxiety is back

09-04-10, 00:11
My daily anxiety is back with these physical symptoms. I can't ho through a day without thinking my body is shutting down or I am going to pass out and die. It's got so bad sometimes I can't even brush my teeth before I go to bed as I feel like some crazy person with depersonalisation and my heart beat goes funny.

It's horrible..about a month I've felt this this now. I don't have a routine the now though. :blush:

09-04-10, 01:31
I know what you mean. It's like it feels weird to be you. Have you been to see a GP lately? I know from reading recent posts that my GP is great compared to others, but it's worth a try!!

I use to feel constantly anxious. Scared to be myself, scared to think whatever I think, sometimes I thought the way I breathe might be wrong, so I know what you're going through, I think!!!

09-04-10, 14:50
Had another panic attack today. Feel awful.

I was in the town and started feeling all weird like I never knew were I was. I was struggling to eat my lunch as when I eat or drink now my breathing is slow or gasping for air so feel I can't use both at the same time as I'm almost gasping at a time when I drink. Feel deprived of oxygen. Had to run to the toilet about two times and it spoiled my day in the town.

Had an awful night last night too..felt all night like I would go mad If I never done the toilet. My bowls have played up again today my eyes feel all weird. I have suffered anxiety for five years but it's back with a worsened new wave. I feel I am unable to cope atall this time it feels alot worse.

Whats up with me? :scared15: I really don't know where

09-04-10, 14:54
i get it everyday most days can control it but some very bad ,like today dog bit me ,had to have tetanus injection worried sick , i know how you feel ,, but we have to accept it and hope it will get better maggie x

09-04-10, 15:35
so sorry your feeling so bad......i use to have episodes like this and its truly awful, i found the whole derealisation thing the hardest to deal with as i could get this at any time even when i thought i was ok.Each time i have a blip im convinced its worse than the last time....but to be honest it never is...it goes away just as it did before.The only thing i can say to you is to be patient and not to dwell on the negative feelings your experiencing....i know thats so much easier said than done...we all want to run and hide when these feelings engulf us...but we must not run..we have to stand firm and accept whats happening...let it flow over you and accept it for what it is...its your bodies natural defence thats gone out of synch...as soon as you calm down and accept... then your mind and body will too!!I know how hard this is...ive been there i honestly thought i was going mad i had waves of panic every 10 minutes at my worse...so i do understand.Nothing bad happened to you before and you got through it...im more than certain you will get through it again we are a lot stronger than we believe we are....when your eating or drinking try and focus on the flavours and how nice the food tastes instead of your breathing...the more you focus on the breathing the more you will over breathe......really hope you feel better soon