View Full Version : On the up

19-01-06, 12:30
Wanted to write an update following my rather glum last post to show it’s not all doom and gloom… yesterday I went to the docs in the morning to see if homeopathy can help following my disastrous experience with ‘traditional’ meds… it was all good - she gave me some homeopathy stuff (which she said may take a couple of weeks, but will have *no* side effects whatsoever :) and was generally very lovely - she said if I didn't think it was helping to come back and book a double appointment so she has more time to assess me, and said not to worry, that she would do her best to make me better :)

Also, spoke to my boss yesterday about it all cos of running out of work last week and not going in yesterday - although I didn't really want to tell her, thought she's bound to know something's up and might only get worse/misunderstood… so… told her and she was fab about it - she's arranged for me to see someone here to help with me with some coping techniques in work, plus she's going to arrange a laptop for me so that if I am having a really bad day and can't make it in, I can work from home - she even gave me her mobile and said if I was stuck in the park again to ring her and she'd come and get me! :)

So just wanted to say the old saying of ‘it’s never as bad as it seems’ is soooo true! Now I’m not saying it’s easy to keep this in your head all the time, and I’m still feeling very much like I’m ‘teetering’ on the edge and could go either way, but generally am feeling a whole lot better than I was a couple of days ago – plus have made it into work for two days in a row with relatively little panic – yay! :)

BB x

Worry gives a small thing a big shadow.

Ma Larkin
19-01-06, 13:03
Well done BB. Its great that you have support at work. I get lots of support from my colleagues at work and my Head of Service has arranged for me to have in-house conselling because we have our own occupational health unit. I can wave to my counsellor through the window because she's only in the next room!! Its great. Hope you continue to feel better. Les, x

19-01-06, 13:34
:D Nice One BB :D

It takes courage to explain sometimes, at least your manager has an idea where you are coming from now. I hope you are Ok and that you continue to be, your post does sound positive.

Take care and best wishes,

19-01-06, 13:57
Great news BB. Seems like you have some good support from the doctor and from your boss. It shows there are some understanding employers out there.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

19-01-06, 16:56
BB that is fabulous news.

Sometimes knowing people are out there rooting for you makes just the difference that really matters.

Keep it going !


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

19-01-06, 18:41
Great news

I wish I had understanding bosses like you - mine have not been understanding of my illness and see it as an inconvenience that I suffer. They are not even letting me have time off for CBT, I am having to take it as holiday or make the hours up.

You are very lucky and it is lovely to see there are some understanding employers out there.
