View Full Version : Can you be prone to thrush when pregnant?

09-04-10, 11:52
Hi there,im 18wks pregnant and have already had thrush 3 times and now got it again today,im so fed up of getting now and am getting worried why it keeps coming back all the time,i seem to be living at the docs,they give me treatment for it then it goes for about 2 wks then it comes back again,i just dont know wot to do now,its so painfull and uncomftable,im even worried it will harm the baby now,i also keep getting urine infections to which follows in the samt pattern where they will go 4 a wk or so then cum bk ,im at my wits end with them now,i just wanted to see if this is normal and if this has happened to any1 else as i really need sum advice,thanx x

09-04-10, 12:04
um well I am prone to thrush and so is my aunt , in fact she gets it far too much.
Have you tried Canesten? the thrush cream? They also do tablets , you pop one into your vagina at bed time. I'm sure how often you can use them though.
Also there is garlic has properties which kills fungus. Maybe try garlic tablets after a meal as they can be hard on the tummy.
Try washing with those shower gels that are made of your lady bits as they have anti-fungal properties too and are extra gentle.
there is also a gel called RE-Phresh which helps the pH of your vagina. I bought it for a bacterial thing which im also prone to. It really helped and I'm sure I read n the instructions that it will treat thrush too and it can be used regularly.

09-04-10, 12:38
Thrush in pregnancy is really common,
You can drink cranberry juice it helps to stop thrush coming back.

09-04-10, 13:50
Very much so, I had it during two of my pregnancies. All due to the hormonal changes in the body I guess.

Sorry I can't offer any advice other than just keep treating it and I am sure things will settle. Drink plenty, try the probiotic yoghurt drinks and there are certain diet plans you can follow to avoid thrush coming back, do a google;-)