View Full Version : Can't do it on my own anymore

09-04-10, 19:27
Have been suffering from panic attacks for 10 years. Some good years mostly bad. Have been on and off medication for years and am without at the moment but yesterday I just gave up, can't do it anymore. Trying to act normal and do normal things like everyone else seems to for me is exhausting. All I want is to be able to things everyone else does without having a constant crippling fear.

09-04-10, 19:29
Hi Tan35

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

09-04-10, 20:58
Tan, I was in a similar place as you a couple of years ago...it's so draining. Maybe you could chat with your GP and get some more help? Thats what I did and I was so glad I did. Sometimes we can't do it on our own.

And you will find it so supportive here on NMP.

eternally optimistic
09-04-10, 21:44

You've arrived at a good site to get some support and advice.

Know what you mean about wanting to do things without all the complications!!

It is exhausting, but I'm sure things will get better for you.

Best wishes.

09-04-10, 23:53
I really feel for you, I spent 15 yrs struggling, but finally got answers. Copper overload, pyroluria and histadellia. Not mainstream, but loads of info on the net. For yrs I was convinced that I would eventually take my life. Not anymore. lol c

10-04-10, 11:39
I know how you feel and believe me you are not alone. Sometimes i get into such a state i just cannot function. I daren't go to parties as i know trying to act normal makes me look stupid, then the paranoid thoughts come ect long spiral of this and bang im depressed, so nope you not alone. Chin up.

11-04-10, 12:16
Well I have to go out today and try and act normal! The plan is to try and not to think about it too much and just do it. Back to work tomorrow as well but am not even going to begin and think about that today.