View Full Version : So tired of this anxiety. Please tell me any advice you have...

09-04-10, 20:05
So today I started getting really jittery about one of my mind's current fave fears, and I just felt so exhausted. I can't cope with this any more, this constant fear.

This week I have had 2 minor (still awful!) panic attacks besides the usual non-stop fear. I am just 24 and should be enjoying life but I am in a constant state of dread. If I manage to defeat or wear out one issue, another one crops up out of the blue.

Have spent years seeing counsellors- helped me find out more about myself and the way I think and was enjoyable to have a chat, but at the end of the day did NOTHING for my anxiety. Doctor can't help, seen loads, they either suggest yoga (did it for ages, again enjoyable, but no improvement in anxiety whatsoever) or beta blockers (hey I have anxiety- I read the leaflet and I feel as if might as well have been asked to take cyanide, plus I'd rather actually change than cover things up), or more counselling.

I'm so terrified that this will go on forever. I have tried absolutely everything, currently going through self-help books/cds like sweets but, apart from being interesting, again no actual improvement.

Every day I feel like I am living in a war zone scared of a bomb dropping or being caught in gunfire. Seriously, because every second i am terrified. My fears are illogical- really scary to me but I know upon telling someone they will sound stupid- but they produce the same reaction as if I actually did have something to worry about. I can't carry on like this. i feel like there's no escape.I feel hopeless.

If I could sum up my mind's constant phrase it would be 'something bad is going to happen, watch out.' Every second, on repeat, nothing ever shuts it up, ever. It's exhausting.

Has ANYONE here recovered? Tell me how. Please. I am really, really desperate. Nothing works.

09-04-10, 21:47
Please don't give up, you've got to believe there's a way out of all this. There is, and you WILL find a way - maybe not a complete cure, yet, but an improvement.


09-04-10, 23:22
I can totally relate to having tried everything, I did the same for years until I was finally diagnosed with a condition called pyroluria, which does not have mainstream recognition. It is a genetic error in haemoglobin synthesis that causes the body to produce an extra substance called pyrolles. The more stressed you get the more it produces and it removes all the zinc and vitB6 from your body. One becomes totally unable to handle stress. There is lots of info available on the web and I hope it is the answer for you because it is easy to remedy. lol

10-04-10, 02:20
yes something bad is about to happen i can relate to that. after seeing councillors, and it sounds like you've had a real long attempt at recovering, but didnt your councillors say about the automatic negative thoughts? Your irrational thoughts create the feelings and panic attacks, look up CBT you may have already tried it. But, if you havent opened up truely to a councillor, then they are less able to help, because they cant guess.
the cognitive side of CBT is about recognising your negative thoughts when they pop into your head, keeping a thought record, studying the thoughts and wether they're true and then correcting them with more rational thoughts that dont create anxiety.
you perhaps know all this already, but i know it and still have anxiety, i just havent tried hard enough, it's not easy but with guidance...
I read that CBT has the most success with anxiety disorders they are easier to treat, and heard of a 80% success rate! Councillors are like ghosts though in my experience, i dont know if they really exist?lol
There are plenty of little things to help, like getting more sleep, cutting out caffine, smoking, alcohol, excercising more, having a healthy diet, doing what you enjoy, those small things dont always have much impact but will probably help, physical exercise being a good one as it burns out excess adrenalin.