View Full Version : very strange...hoping someone can relate?

09-04-10, 20:47
I have had anxiety about two years ago and now it came back about a month ago. I had anxiety attacks for 3 weeks and recently I overcame a lot of my physical symptoms such as my throat tightness, chest, swallowing difficulties, etc... but now I have this feeling I've never had before and I'm rather worried. I am quite aware of derealisation as I have had it before and this is definitely not it.
Constantly my mind feels, the best way I can describe it is 'unfocused'...(i did get a new prescription for my glasses recently, but I really don't think that has anything to do with it...)
When I look around (vision is not blurred or anything) it feels as if I'm just not able to take anything in the way I did before....sort of like you look around and your vision is okay, but your mind doesn't feel like it is taking everything in the way it used to? I feel like sometimes I have a mild fever, accompanied by the mild headache (they were much MUCH worse 2 weeks ago) and again, this really 'weird' feeling that I'm just not able to mentally take in reality the way I did before, almost like there's something wrong neurologically with the way I'm processing what's around me...it just isn't the same, it's quite frightening and different. It's not so much I don't feel things are real or dream-like, just simply this weird sensation I cannot shake off...my eyes kind of hurt as well, especially if I try to open them wide...and I just don't know why this feels like something I've never felt before.

Could this all be anxiety related? I'm not anxious and this doesn't feel like anxiety, especially because it is 24/7. It feels more to do with my vision, though it hasn't really changed for the worse, or to do with my brain/nervous system, and how it is taking things in. Distraction doesn't really help either, maybe for a bit I don't think about it, but it's still there.

10-04-10, 15:18

well, sort of like it anyway.

lots of weird things have been happening to me lately..all seemingly neurological.

Its much worse when im trying to sleep/at the end of the day. I get weird ' almost ' dreams..almost like hallucinations...and a TON of weird, surreal thoughts/sensations...Along with that weird feeling of not being able to take things in properly...I have got brain fog with all this too...

10-04-10, 23:57
im worrying that im having complex parital seizures...:(

12-04-10, 01:41
it's very strange indeed...ive had this for a few days, can't seem to shake it... im going to my family Dr tmrw to discuss it with him and let him know my symptoms...i've never been one for medication to be honest, but this is getting ridiculous and making me quite depressed...to the point where every day is a struggle...maybe sometimes we do need something to help us out a little?

12-04-10, 02:00

If this is effecting your day-to-day living then you're right to seek help and medication. I suffered a "breakdown" of sorts and was trying to cope with chronic depersonalization / derealization. I went onto meds about 5 weeks ago - the 1st 3 weeks I thought I was going nuts. But now, I'm getting back to my old self. Be patient if you go down the medical route and be prepared to give it time to work.

