View Full Version : Smoking

09-04-10, 21:28
Smoking, does anyone agree that smoking brings on a panic attack, especially the day after drink? Please send me your views????

margaret jones
09-04-10, 22:14
Sorry dont no the answer to that i dont smoke i did until 2 yrs ago
When i feel anxious i wish i still did but wont start again to expensive

Hope you find a answer to your question

09-04-10, 22:21
It has never affected me like that .But I have felt more anxious because of Alcohol the next day .Ciggarettes can cause palpitations ,so if you combine the two the symptoms might seem like its a panic attack starting.This will make you panic most probably .If you Dont fear the symptoms ,recognise them for what they are ,you wont have an attack ..Sue

09-04-10, 22:24
It has actually been proven that despite most people believing a cigarette calms them down, in fact the opposite happens. We are led to believe by the tobacco companies that we need these crutches to survive but in fact they actually bring on anxious feelings.

I gave up smoking in August last year and although I have had a bit of an anxious "blip" of late, I do know that I used to get more panicky when I did smoke. At Christmas I gave in to pressure from work friends and had a cigarette on a night out. It bought back all my old anxious feelings and as you say, the next day I was worse and I've not had one since.

I stopped by using Allen Carr's Easyway which is unbelievable. I attended a one day clinic but I know a couple of people who stopped by just reading his book. You can even cash in Tesco Clubcard vouchers against the price of a one day clinic.
