View Full Version : WHY?

09-04-10, 22:28
Well ive been doing really well of late with my HA got told in febuary that there was nothing wrong with my heart my cholesterol is 6.6 and im working on getting it down been walking 3-5 miles everyday to get my weight down and ive stoped eating rubbish but the last 2-3 days ive started convincing myself again that theres something wrong with my heart i dont know how long it takes for heart desease to ocur or start but im just starting to have self doubt, and i ve started thinking im going to die in the next year or so im only 37 dont smoke (did gave up six years ago) and i dont drink or do drugs apart from the ones the GP gives me =)
Any encouragement or advice would be appreciated

09-04-10, 22:37
Has anything different happened that could have triggered these feelings again?

You don't really need me to tell you that if your heart was Ok in February, then it's Ok now too. You know it's down to your own anxieties but you just need someone to understand... and if it helps I really do understand. I've spent the whole day having irrational thoughts and even cut short a day out with the kids (which incidentally I now feel incredibly guilty about!)

The only thing I can say is that you've done brilliantly by putting a diet and exercise regime into place and even better to stick to it. That's definitely something I need to do now. Take a long hard look at yourself and realise how good you actually are and then be good to yourself!!!

Rachel W
10-04-10, 00:18
Your heart is fine, or they would have found something. I have some advice for you in regards to your cholesterol. Flax seed and raw, unsalted walnuts on oatmeal for breakfast! I also took plant phenols as well for one month before my last test and my cholesterol was normal for the first time.