View Full Version : Totally gutted - Girlfriend only 20 told she has to go back to hospital

10-04-10, 16:28
We went about a month ago when she got told she had abnormal cells and she got a check and got her letter for her results today.

She has to go back as she is a Grade 2(Bad) or Grade 3 (severe)

Now I am wondering have I maybe done something to cause this as she was fine before going out with me.

It's a nice day outside and I have cancelled my night out tonight.

Utterly distraught at this news. Sickening. Pretty much a given it's cervical cancer now

Onwards & Upwards
10-04-10, 17:12
That's hard to deal with if that's the case but she's in good hands cos she's only 20 and they don't offer smear tests til you're twenty-something, so did she have herself checked out cos she thought something was up?

10-04-10, 17:21
I'm so sorry to hear this, but don't let it overcome you. There is advice here http://www.cancerhelp.org.uk/type/cervical-cancer/index.htm?script=true.

Cervical cancer is very rare in the early twenties, and your girl friend most likely has been called back because pre-cancerous anomalies have been found. Cancer is not a done deal, and if it is caught early the prognosis is very good. If it were serious your girl friend would be showing other symptoms. She is doing exactly the right thing at the moment. No doubt she's worried as well so the best thing is to give her all the support you can; order in a good pizza, a slushy DVD and cuddle up on the sofa.

one of us

Cell block H fan
10-04-10, 18:03
Is it CIN II? if so, thats just the stage of abnormality. I was 20 when I had CIN II & had treatment (laser) & i'm 39 now hun, normal results every year since :hugs:

Onwards & Upwards
10-04-10, 18:26
Is it CIN II? if so, thats just the stage of abnormality. I was 20 when I had CIN II & had treatment (laser) & i'm 39 now hun, normal results every year since :hugs:

That's reassuring that you can share your experience, I'm kinda wondering why they don't offer smears 'til twenty-something yet you also had this at 20? It's making me a little bit paranoid? :ohmy:

Cell block H fan
10-04-10, 18:41
That's reassuring that you can share your experience, I'm kinda wondering why they don't offer smears 'til twenty-something yet you also had this at 20? It's making me a little bit paranoid? :ohmy:

I agree they should be doing pap tests from about the age of 18 really, or atleast a year or 2 after first having sex.
I was getting tummy pains at the time, much like the ones I have at the moment infact! lol Which are probably I.B.S, but anyway, I hadn't ever had a smear test, so they did one. That first one was abnormal, well that was it, I was petrified :weep: A completely bag of nerves until the hospital appointment. Convinced I had cancer & thats what the pain was. Turns out you dont get pains with abnormal cells & the pains were probably I.B.S! But lack of info & internet then didn't give me a lot of information.
Anyway ended up having the colposcopy at Queen charlotte & Chelsea in London, then treatment there for the CIN II cells, went back for a check up, had to have it done again as the consultant had done the wrong bit :doh: then after that yearly smears & they always came back normal :yesyes:

10-04-10, 18:50
Hi Starscream

I don't have any advice to offer you but wanted to send you hugs, no it is not your fault hun... she has you to love her try to be strong for her now ...

Please keep us updated and remember there are people here for you during this difficult time ((hugs))

10-04-10, 18:53
Try not to worry, I know its easy for me to say but it is very unlikely to be any thing serious at your girl friends age.
Also the reason they don't give smear tests to under 25's is because quite often young women will have cells that are changing so they do come back abnormal so this is more common then you think.

10-04-10, 18:57
My younger daughter had the same thing. It's fixable with laser surgery. Don't despair.

Cell block H fan
10-04-10, 18:59
Try not to worry, I know its easy for me to say but it is very unlikely to be any thing serious at your girl friends age.
Also the reason they don't give smear tests to under 25's is because quite often young women will have cells that are changing so they do come back abnormal so this is more common then you think.

Yes thats true, & even undetected they can turn back to normal again cant they. And if they dont, it can still take anything up to 20 years to turn into cancer apparently.

11-04-10, 14:13
Hi there.
Most causes of this type of abnormal smear are due to something called the Human Papilloma Virus, which in easier terms is a common STD that perhaps you could have passed on without even knowing from someone you perhaps had been with in the past. Over 70 percent of cervical cancers are caused from this and the other 30 percent are due to genetics and won't usually occur until much later in life. In Australia, girls and young women are now vaccinated against this virus and the occurrence of 'bad' smears in the future will probably be non-existent! I would assume the fact they are suggesting stage 1, 2 or 3 is to determine the stage that the virus is at and it isn't actually Cervical Cancer as such. I know many friends who have been through the same ordeal and after a few sessions of taking away these cells they end up completely normal and have to have a smear more often for the first few times until it is all clear and then go back to normal check ups.
Don't get yourself too worked up. I know that sounds easy but from my experience, she will be just fine :winks:


11-04-10, 14:30
Hi there

I had abnormal cells when I was about 37 and they were in an awkward position so had to go into hospital to have them burnt off. 25 years later I'm still ok so it isn't always bad news. She will just have to be checked more regularly for the next couple of years and then go back to normal smear tests after that. I'm at that age now where they don't give you smear tests any more! But I wish you all the luck and I am sure that everything will be ok, don't panic just make sure you look after your girlfriend with whatever treatment she needs.

All the very best to you.

Jannie x x

Cell block H fan
11-04-10, 16:58
Hi there.
Most causes of this type of abnormal smear are due to something called the Human Papilloma Virus, which in easier terms is a common STD that perhaps you could have passed on without even knowing from someone you perhaps had been with in the past. Over 70 percent of cervical cancers are caused from this and the other 30 percent are due to genetics and won't usually occur until much later in life. In Australia, girls and young women are now vaccinated against this virus and the occurrence of 'bad' smears in the future will probably be non-existent! I would assume the fact they are suggesting stage 1, 2 or 3 is to determine the stage that the virus is at and it isn't actually Cervical Cancer as such. I know many friends who have been through the same ordeal and after a few sessions of taking away these cells they end up completely normal and have to have a smear more often for the first few times until it is all clear and then go back to normal check ups.
Don't get yourself too worked up. I know that sounds easy but from my experience, she will be just fine :winks:


Here in the Uk they do that HPV jab too. My 13 year old has just had it done at school. They are only doing it for girls under 15 though. It doesn't actually work if you've already had sex, which is a shame for the rest of us :sad: But good for the youngens :)

12-04-10, 06:16
Hi, I had CIN3 last year, and I had lletz treatment, stayed awake through it all and was back home the same morning.

If it is CIN1,2,3 you have to remember that it is PRE-cancerous cells. and even CIN3 can take on average 10 years if it was to turn into cancer, and that is if it turns at all.

Hope everything goes ok for you both :hugs:

12-04-10, 15:00
I had severe dysplasia (abnormal cells) when I was in my last year in college (about 5 years ago now). I was terrified at the time thinking it meant I had cancer, however they did a LEEP procedure, removed the cells and I was checked every six months (until I got pregnant) and since then have been checked once a year and never had another abnormal test since. Try not to worry too much they will probably just remove the cells and she will be fine. I know a lot of girls that have had this, it seems fairly common unfortunately but they have all come through fine. I hope the both of you get to feeling better