View Full Version : Muscle Twitching....

10-04-10, 16:48

For the past month my eye has been twitching, it was driving me mad so I asked the doc who told me to take ibuprofen and if it didnt go away to go back. Anyway it never went away and he told me it is probablly down the anxiety.

I've also been getting a muscle twitch in my foot too and sometimes other places like my fingers and toes, its driving me mad! Anyone ever had this? What can i do to make it go away...apart from stop being anxious lol!

10-04-10, 17:00
Often had eye brow twitches, and wondered what they were. They always vanished when I wasn't watching, which was difficult since I couldn't see my eyebrows :-)

Don't think they're anything to worry about.

one of us

10-04-10, 17:33
I have had a problem with twitchy eyes too, I would tend to agree that it is probably a side effect of anxiety. Have you ever tried meditation to relax yourself and (hopefully) ease/stop the twitching?

10-04-10, 17:38
Nope! Just told myself they weren't serious, stood in front of the mirror watching them and thinking they were rather amusing in an odd sort of way. Maybe that counts as meditation.

one of us

10-04-10, 22:29
Nah I told my doc who just told me it was anxiety, my eye has kind of stopped now but my foot is driving me mad! It does it when its totally relaxed, im on propranolol but i dont think thts doing much for the twitching lol. I even tried bandaging it up...needless to say tht didnt work lol x

10-04-10, 23:14
Magnesium and , or B6 could help.

11-04-10, 19:02
i'm suffering with the eye twitching too..am putting it down to stress and anxiety..now anxious as to why it wont stop. its a kind of catch22 situation..)O: