View Full Version : Sorry its long

19-01-06, 18:00
I know im a broken record and bless all of you for listening to all my woes! As I said I am definatly feeling different and my anxiety has been better in the mornings. However, not better enuf. I still wake up with the same thoughts just looping in my head. I live in fear of the DP. I eat, sleep and breath it. I have been crying on and off for three days now. I dont want to die but I dont want to live if its gonna be like this. If the DP would go away then I wouldnt be anxious or depressed. Its taken my life away from me. I feel hopeless. I have another therapy appt today and I will discuss it with her.

I am now over 30 days on my meds and although I do think its helping with the morning anxiety im very worried that it is making the DP worse. I dont even know if thats possible??? My Dr and therapist said the DP is a symptom of my anxiety, but I truly worry that anxiety is from the DP. When I first went to the Drs 10 weeks ago to see if I could get on an AD I was completly functional. I was just having some minor anxiety issues. I took that AD for 5 days and on the 5th day I started feeling the DP and its just gotten worse and worse. I stopped that first med after 5 days and didnt go on this new med for 4 weeks. I keep wondering if the initial med is what sparked this all off. I dont know how I could go from being functional and social and normal to being like this, when I was fine before I went to dr. Im sorry this is so long - thanks for reading - any words would be welcome. Love Chrissy

19-01-06, 18:35
Hi Chrissy

I don't think there is a miracle cure for this as it is all about changing your thoughts and also the more you worry about it the worse it gets.

Mine gradually went when I tried to forget it and hence not feeing it to get worse.

Try some relaxation and controlled breathing to see if that helps as well.


19-01-06, 18:38
Just found this for you so see if it helps ..



20-01-06, 03:08
hi chrissy,

sorry to read youve been crying alot, hug for you, try not to lose hope, you can get through this.
how did your therapy go today? shed any light or encouragement on your situation.
are you managing to keep yourself busy, have you got any little recovery routines going on, relaxation, exercise, positive affirmation??? and i know all this is easier to write than do ... but keep chipping away at this, it will help you out.
you take care, keep posting .. andrew

20-01-06, 11:21

Definately for me yoga, walking, keeping distracted, gaining confidence helped me and really clutching at each moment without DP and believing it was receding helped it go.

I hope the progress continues.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

20-01-06, 18:21
Nic, Trev, Andrew and Meg.....Thank you all so much for showing interest in me and my recovery. I do have something I would like to share with you all. Most of you dont know but, when I was 7/8 I wasnt able to see my father anymore and had alot of heartache and issues surronding it. That is when my anxiety started. But when I reunited with him as a teenager my anxiety turned into full blown panic attacks. I have a very hard time remembering alot of things about those times in my life, but I what I do remember is bad. I do have a good relationship with him now, but as I said it still confuses and hurts me. Its as if im recalling someone elses memories, like there not my own. Its very strange - as if I KNOW it happened and I remember it happening - but I really dont if that makes sense?

My therapist diagnosed me yesterday with PTSD. She is the first person in 20 years to give me that diagnoses. It was settling to have a diagnoses, but im not sure what to do with it. She said it would explain the anxiety, panic, seperation anxiety and the DP. She said it would only make sense that I would detach from things. She says that there is no way to tell what triggered off this last episode - could be a smell, sound, person etc. It all makes sense to me. I think its why I go years and do fine and then bam - I fall to pieces. However, im a little bit saddened as well. Will I have to deal with these episodes all my life? And now that we know what is - how to I deal with it? Im very confused. I cant make sense of it all. Is the DP directly from the PTSD or is it still from the anxiety? And does it go away the same way for both? Again I thank you guys for showing your love and support to me. Thank you for listening and thank you for your thoughts! Love Chrissy[V]

21-01-06, 03:27
hi chrissy,

i think you are going to learn how to deal with 'whatever difficulties' you are having, that process will equip you to cope with whatever life throws at you in the future.
im not sure that anybody could prove to me the exact relation between ptsd, anxiety, dp. i know when ppl used to ask me what my issues where, i used to say i have anxiety attacks, i had g.a.d, social anxiety and i thought i had a bit of agrophobia and ocd (if i would have known more i would have added some depression and dp most prob as well) but irregards of their titles they were all giving me feelings that were causing me problems and thats what you need to learn to deal with, the feelings and the situations/problems they are creating for you - the titles are only words.
a good place to start is with some acceptance to yourself, this is me chrissy ive got ptsd - your not mad or strange, you've just got some anxiety issues to learn to cope with.
i think you are learning, it takes time, its not easy - hang on in there and keep trying ... tc andrew

21-01-06, 05:19
lol im out of it sometimes - i put trevs name instead of nigel and just realized. sorry nigel!

21-01-06, 23:31

I'm glad you're pleased about having a diagnosis. Yes, indeed though - what to do about it ?

Traditional PTSD is usually about recognisable triggers and thoughts such as recurrent nightmares, flashbacks, sounds, smells.

Its perfectly possible that in all your turmoil you have buried these triggers from your concious, yet they still lie but not so dormant.

DP is the brains way of self protection from anxiety and PTSD is another form of anxiety, so the treatment is all similar- deal with the issues, learn to understand them and accept them and slowly move through them.

For PTSD there are additionally a host of treatments such as EMDR but good old CBT is up there as well.

Here are the UK National Institute for Clinical Excellence guidelines so you can read up and be savvy on what you may want to explore.



Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?