View Full Version : They think its physical, I think it might just be stress...

10-04-10, 17:29
I just want to see if it's like this for anybody else.
I'm constantly ill. Not with depression/anxiety - i.e. the emotional side of it doesn't keep me off work - but with real physical symptoms that are just disturbing every aspect of my life. I'm not just tired, I'm exhausted. I feel spaced and unable to concentrate. I have no strength at all. Around my period I take a few days off work because I can barely move. I love my job and I want to be there. I went in the other day but had to leave in the afternoon because by lunchtime I was really flakey and thought I was going to pass out. My heart was racing and I couldn't walk down a corridor without getting too out of breath to speak. I wandered down to a chemist to ask about supplements and she demanded I go straight to a doctor at a walk-in clinic down the road. I think she had to because my heart and breathing were involved. They just said anaemia, of course, but when I went for blood tests at my GP's the next day it looks like I've had my bloods done pretty recently and I'm fine. They did them again anyway.

I have appointments with neurologists because they think I have epilepsy (there are other symptoms that point to this), I have my bloods done constantly for infections or for deficiencies, I've had my heart tested and my blood pressure done what seems like every month. This week I've had my blood pressure checked four times! It's always fine. A couple of years ago the doctors were the same but about diabetes. I was checked all the time!

I don't distrust the doctors and I know they're trying their best but I don't believe I'm physically ill. I've been consistently under stress for seven years and before that I had eating disorders for years. I think it would be pretty normal for me to feel a bit rubbish by now! I'm really embarrassed to be ill all the time and to keep taking time off because it just looks like I'm lazy or putting it on. I'm not, I really feel terrible and I HATE taking time off work. I really want to be there.

I feel like by keeping looking for something physical they're barking up the wrong tree. I just want help with the stress. I was put on the sick for a while but that was more stressful because I wanted to be at work and I lost too much money.

Does anybody else have generalised symptoms? Have you found anything to help?


Onwards & Upwards
10-04-10, 17:38

Have you ever had ALL of your vitamin/mineral/trace elements checked?

For instance, doctors will tend to check "active" iron levels but your stored iron, which is called ferritin is so often overlooked, you need to specifically ask to have this checked, it won't be part of the full blood count test.

Your ferritin should ideally be at least 50 but around 80-90 could be even better.

Plus when you're stressed you use up loads of minerals and vitamins, especially B vitamins and then if any of these are depleted they can have a knock-on affect on how well your body is able to utilise other vits and minerals.


Onwards & Upwards
10-04-10, 17:39
I should have said that low ferritin can make you very fatigued.

10-04-10, 17:50
I'm not sure what deficiencies they've looked for but I did notice they'd written ferritin on my sheet for these blood tests recently. They're also checking my thyroid but that's been checked a million times before. I do eat well, though. I think I've heard that if you have a history of eating disorders you are more likely to suffer from deficiencies but I don't know whether they mean if you actually have an eating disorder - and are not eating enough vitamins/minerals - or whether it's that a previous eating disorder can damage your digestive system.

Thanks for the advice. I don't really want to take anymore time off for tests but if I absolutely have to I'll ask them if they've checked this.


Onwards & Upwards
10-04-10, 18:17
Have sent you message...

Try and find out what your ferritin score was because you really need it to be 50 at least. That link I've sent you has info on it, check it out.

Em :winks:

10-04-10, 19:05
You mentioned that your thyroid was checked. Mine was checked many time also. My doctor said the thyroid has the ability to "right itself" at times. It seems that every time I was checked, it was normal or borderline.

I remember standing outside my classroom, shaking and holding on to the walls to keep upright. I was so exhausted. It was an effort to breathe. I called my doctor from my cellphone and she sent me immediately to get checked. My thyroid was working (if you can call it that) at one fourhundredth of what it was supposed to be. They called me from the office and told me to get there immediately. They gave me the first dose of Synthroid right there and gave me a prescription.

I've been on medication ever since and what a difference!

Sorry this was so long.

10-04-10, 21:17
Hi onwards and upwards, can you please post or pm me the link that you sent to haraasgenster, I would be interested to read about ferritin etc.. thanks!

Onwards & Upwards
10-04-10, 22:08
Hi onwards and upwards, can you please post or pm me the link that you sent to haraasgenster, I would be interested to read about ferritin etc.. thanks!

Have sent link, Sweetie!


10-04-10, 23:04
Check out about pyroluria, in its's severest form it can cause seizures.

11-04-10, 03:59
Thanks all, and thanks for the links Onwards and Upwards!

Think I've finally worked it out though - Dr Google helped for once.

Dehydration. Lose a lot of fluid through retention and blood loss on your period, apparently. Been drinking all day and do feel better. If this keeps up I'll know that either Dr Google is right or this is a great placebo!