View Full Version : Is this normal?

10-04-10, 18:14
I have suffered on and off with periods of severe anxiety all my life and espcially over the last two years, but i have learnt to just live and cope with it.
Last weekend i had a huge anxiety attack and this has knocked me all week, crying, panic attacks, not eating...you know how it goes, i need explain no more :blush:!
But the last two days ive been feeling really down and depressed, ive managed to fight the anxiety /pa's and get on with that but the depression is really dragging me down when im trying so hard to get back up.
Has this happened to other people, with the depression arriving after an episode of severe anxiety? If so does it last long? Ive tryed to sit out in the garden today and have tryed to chat to people etc but it hasnt helped. Is this normal to feel this way? I would really appreciate some peoples opinions and maybe an explanarion why it has happened. Im trying soooooo hard to try and pick myself up but this depression is robbing me of the fight :weep:
Anyone please?

10-04-10, 18:20
Yes, this is normal :~) I have my up and down days, especially after an anxiety attack....it sucks the energy out of you. I know that for me it helps to be around people, talk to them however awkward I may feel or be, I also like to get out and go for a long walk...I think that sitting in the garden was an exceptional idea....you'll snap out of it and feel better soon, just remember that there is a light at the end of the anxiety/depression tunnel :)

10-04-10, 20:56
Yes Popsy. I think thats normal too.. It takes me a few days before I level off after a bout of anxiety. I tend to feel tired,listless,teary, disinterested in everything for a while.

10-04-10, 21:07
Aww popsy,

I am so sorry to hear you are going through this especially after you had been doing so well.

The only thing i can say is, we go through these things for whatever reason, but you know yourself that you can come through the other side, you have done it before.
Always remember that we are here for you and will help you get through this tough time, just keep posting on the forum hun and you can pm me anytime you need to.

best wishes

di xxx

10-04-10, 21:30
Hi Popsy, sorry to hear your feeling down. I think a lot of people suffer with a mild depression like state after being stressed and anxious for a long time, they seem to come hand in hand. I do know how you feel as lately I have been feeling simlar feelings and yes it sucks! Important to remember that your body & mind have been so exhausted from being stressed and anxious, you will have used a lot of your energy/nutrient stores which is bound to affect your mood. Please try to eat because not eating wont help, you need to stay energised to help you stay healthy. Hope you feel better soon x