View Full Version : my journey of panic

10-04-10, 18:50
Hey everybody fought I'd post I'm so confused been struggling all over again and am on day 20 of prozac so nearly 3 wks approching I've been terrible worse than I have ever been since starting the prozac also I am takin bisoprolol beta blocker and now diazepam in the even becos it calms me enough to relax but I so wish I didn't have to b on all this medication to control my nerves but I have to I need to get beta anyway my diazepam are only 2mg but I take 1 evening an 1 b4 I'm going to bed but I knw its only for short term but I so hope my docs r gna give me anotha prescripton for them becos dnt think I can come off them just like that I'm scared . If that's the case then they will have to change my beta blocker to propanlol becos that can b took to take edge off panic an wit my beta blocker it can only b taken once a day an wears off pretty quickly an that wnt b enough without the diazepam!! Sorry to rant just need someone to talk to I have a very caring husband just hate keep talkin to him about it he heard enough . I actually cudnt talk about all this the other day felt so bad been trying to distract myself anyway I can frm panic been listening to music an singin really loud to drown the noise of my heart my doc said its becos I'm hearing every beat as I'm so sensitive I think she's right I do an I get gurgly feelings in my tummy an chest an think its my heart jumping so I check my pulse although I have slowed down on the pulse checkin as I was gettin obbsesd wit it !just feel shaky in the chest allday long the distraction doesn't get rid of these feelings either... I'm hoping that the prozac will build up to a good level ill b beta becos one day I think I'm feelin beta an the next I'm neverous is this becos its building up in my system? And working on my mood ! Just got so many concerns and will go an see my stupid doctor but fought I'd ask all my friends on here any advice or guidance so scared an confused about it all ... Any people took propanalol ? Does it work similar to diazepam? Thanks for listening sorry for such a long msg my brain is such a mess and I noticed all I do is move my body an fidget is this the medication? Luv c x

10-04-10, 19:01
propranalol and beta blockers are the same thing as far as I know but you are taking a long acting beta blocker I suspect but you can also get a shorter acting one (usually 10mg doses) which you can take in the event of a panic attack. What it does is block your adrenalin receptiors so that you dont feel the panic in your body and keeps your heart rate down too. it doesnt feel the same as taking diazipam but it does work.

10-04-10, 19:04
Hi Chick

Diazepam really helped me but it cannot be taken long term.. the dosage you are on is a low one so the doctor may let you have another prescription..

Can't really give you any advice but biggest hugs sent x

10-04-10, 20:29
my docs still prescribing me 2mg diazepam for the last 3 month! :) I only take them 'as and when' though, not 3 times a day like it says to on the leaflet!! I was worried like you (that he wouldnt give me anymore), so when i wrote out my respeat prescription note to put in the box, I wrote "2mg Diazepam. To be taken as and when ONLY for control of panic attacks" and he didnt ring me or nefing and hasnt questioned anything. He knows i need them for my panic attacks and to help me sleep but im on citalapram 20mg too for anxiety/depression. Im 90% cured of anxiety now though (since doing CBT!! amazinggg!!) so im guna gradually go down to 10mg citalopram, and then wean down off the diazepman over the next coming weeks. I cant comment on beta blockers as i dont take them. Ive had all the same heart symtpoms as you though, and ive had 8 ECG's in. continual ECG, and a chest xray and all fine. I found once my anxiety started getting better, so did all the chest/heart symptoms!! I cant even remember the last time i got a skipped heartbeat, because my anxiety is nearly gone, so its lovely to know it is and WAS ALL ANXIETY AND NOTHING ELSE. Good lukc 2u hun xxxxxxx

11-04-10, 00:15
Aw thanks for the replies all ! I knw beta blockers r the same I just wanted one I could take when I panic an my heart thumps becos I only take 2.5mg a day an it seems not enough unless its just becos I'm so sensitive to it now ! Thanks haz I'm gonna go an ask for the diazepam I'm sure they will give it to me well they beta cos I need them now I've started them esp at night stop me lying awake listening to my heart beat ! That's the thing I'm struggling with at the most I mean I want it to beat but why do I have to hear every beat like all day so distressing ! Thanks once again means a lot just hoping I can get to grips of it!x