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View Full Version : vascular dementia/ stroke worry- please help!!!

10-04-10, 18:57
hello people! my thinking and concentration has been all ove the place and i keep on thinking that masturbating has caused tiny clots in my brain and thats why my memory and thinking feels damaged. My rational side says this is unlikely that having a crack at ones' you know what' hasnt caused tiny strokes to form in my brain to cause my memory problems....but the irrational part keeps saying 'well ye might have subcortical dementia!!!!

aaaaagh! i dont get headaches or numbness, but you know people that when anxiety's symptoms persist...you do end up with a bit of a clash deep within your mind

help me out here!

im only 35....and i feel stupid :wacko:

11-04-10, 01:17
Having a "crack" won't cause vascular dementia or a stroke. At age 35 there's more chance you winning the lottery, trust me.

I think it's your mind playing tricks on you. However, you may want to get your eyes checked with all that cracking going on (that's a joke and an old wives tale).

Relax - there's nothing wrong with you ;)

11-04-10, 13:45
thanks! need my arse kicked from time to time...thew new me that I'm slowly becoming says 'what the hell are you worrying about' I suppose there are thousands of things to go wrong, but i dont want to waste my life fretting over a load of ********. The old me however lets me down and has me fixated on tiny clots when my memory goes 'funny' and is then think 'its probably masturbating and the increase in BP thats cause tiny blood clots' and so on....Silly when ye think that if this was true then people who run or do vigorous exercise would worry about the same thing, but when people's irrational mind comes into play...then all hell breaks loose and its hard to accept that your feelings and sensations are anxiety when they appear to persist


Enjoy the sunshine people if its out where ye live :yesyes::shades: