View Full Version : Tense neck and shoulders

10-04-10, 23:27
Hello everyone

Just wondering if anyone has any suggestions on how to get rid of tension in the neck and shoulders. I suffer from this constantly (and I mean 24/7!!). It's not painful usually, just tense and uncomfortable. Any help much appreciated!

Cheers :)

10-04-10, 23:49
Unfortunately mine is painful but I find stretching exercises like pilates is excellent. The root of it is probably anxiety causing the muscle tension, therefore controlling your anxiety levels is key. Listening to relaxation CDs is also helpful as is sauna or steam.

11-04-10, 12:56
I use a heat pad which you heat up in the microwave Or listen to some relaxing music and submerge yourself in a nice warm bath for a while .If you add some lavender oil or have a few scented candles it will enhance the feeling of tranquility .Deep breathing techniques of breathing through your nose and out thru your mouth will also help to relax you .Try doing this every evening it will really help . Sue

Onwards & Upwards
11-04-10, 15:23

You can do some self massage, have a look here: http://www.back-exercise-and-pain-relief.com/neck-massage-technique.html

You can search for self massage on Google quite safely without horrendous things coming up! It's about the only thing you can search for safely! :)


15-04-10, 14:43
I get this as well. Mine is so tense at times it causes lightheadedness

15-04-10, 16:47
Welcome to my world:weep:

I had a neck injury earlier in life which doesn't help. Mine causes lightheadedness too somtimes.

15-04-10, 19:07
neck and shoulder tension is also a big problem for me - it gives me terrible tension headaches and causes me to feel dizzy as well. i use a lavender wheat bag heated in the microwave to help relax it but thats no use if im in a queue an getting tense - ive been thinking about seeing a chiropracter or physio to get some help with it - or maybe some acupuncture - does anyone have any experience with these?

(jabba - weirdly my nickname online used to be jabba because my last name is hutt - i had to look twice and make sure i didnt have a split personality setting up accounts and posting!!!)


15-04-10, 19:50
Yep, get the lightheadedness, as well. Don't get headaches, as such but kind of a 'tightness' in my head though (again, not usually painful, but pretty uncomfortable).

And top suggestions people. A million thanks to everyone!!

C xx
15-04-10, 21:28
I have a shiatsu neck massager (only a plug-in one..not a real one LOL!)
That helps me x