View Full Version : what am i so worried about?

11-04-10, 00:48
ok i have panic attacks quite often but i manage to keep them hidden cause when i first had a panic attack my mum and dad panicked alot and they took me to hospital :( whenthey told them it was a panic attack not anything really serious they seemed ok but when i had another one they worried again i hate making them worry bout me so now i just keep quiet and they are'nt as bad as they first were but i hate having them and not being able to talk about them! my panic attacks are quiet different than they first were now i get dizzy and feel sick and a really bad pain in my chest but before i was sick, really bad pain in my chest, dizzyness, i just felt like i was going to die there and then :'( but now there not as bad but i still have them and it hurts! and i still have no clue why i panic i mean i can think of a few reasons like ive got my options and im worried that i wont pick the ones i wnt but thats nothing major...right?

what do you people suggest? please comment

11-04-10, 12:21
hi hun
i promise u will not die from a panic attack . although the symptoms are very unpleasent dizziness and pain in your chest are prob a result from over breathing where u are getting so anxious hun , hope u feel bit better soon chin up helen x

11-04-10, 21:18
hi kat,

i think you should consider telling your parents about your anxiety. just like you have learnt how to cope better with it .. so will they. they might not be the best ppl to help you when you're anxious, but the stresses of hiding it and not being to talk about it at home might be adding to your anxieties.

pick the options that will help you to chase your career dream.

hope this helps ,take care .. andrew

11-04-10, 21:42
Hello Kat!
I agree with andrew that the stress of keeping your anxiety from your parents will make you worse. I know you don't want to worry them but I'm sure they would be more hurt to think that you are suffering all this alone and not sharing it with them. They love you and will want to help you all they can. I am a parent of grown up children and I know I would hate to think that they wouldn't tell me if they were suffering as you are. That's what parents do, help their children when they need it. Go and talk to them!!!!

sarah jayne
11-04-10, 22:09
I know how you feel cause theres only my husband that knows that i have panic attacks, i pretend to be a normal happy carefree person in front of everyone else when really im so anxious its unbelievable. I am also scared of making my family worried, theres many a time when my mums asked if im ok but i always say i am when really i feel awful..x