View Full Version : Newly anxious.. feeling scared.

11-04-10, 02:53
So hi im new to this site i was refferred here by a friend... i feel i need to explain my story before i seek any advice.. i am worried its not like me to act like this at all but here goes: I recently started a new job and after about 3 weeks of being there i was really ill i had flu and a chest infection which quickly developed into chronic bronchitis and asthma. Whilst being off ill i was very worried about the day i would eventually have to return back to work.. which for me is very normal i worry about everything.. and one thought spirals into another and eventually i think about eveyrone around me dying.. (a little over the top you think?.. not at all)! so yeah i was worrying about going back to work then suddenly i was really worrying like part of me was saying 'no dont go back to work somethiing bad is going to happen' now i am pretty in tune with my thoughts and body so i know when something is up however being a new job i picked myself and went into work at the time being on a course of anti biotics and steroids for the bronchitis. Whilst at my desk feeling shaky... then started getting hot.. my heart beat getting faster faster and faster i couldnt see my vission is blurry i cant breathe. all these things at once i had never experienced before... so i abruptly get my team leader.. explain whats happening im crying im in a fit of hysterics. and they agree to send me home. im finally home still shaking and i call to see the doctor immediately. at that point when i see the doctor i am told i have general anxiety disorder... and the fact i have bi polar and adhd also makes it a little blurry on how i should be treated but they put me on a course of diazepam and i should have CBT. nowww i have just finished my tabkets course and i have an appointment to see the dcotor on monday.. and should be returning to work the following monday (19th of april) which i am terrified about.. which seems ridiculous as i am from a performing background and have danced infront of thousands of people but to go to my 9 to 5 office job terifys me. i dont no how to feel or to think..i cant eat anythiing or sleep... i havent spoken to my friends in weeks... i feell like an empty shell like i should be locked away in a cell.. i am losing control. the main stress is i am forced to return to work due to bills and rent.. but i dont feel ready please give me advice!!! thank you

11-04-10, 05:46
alot of views but no advice? anyone? i just need someone to talk to. i feel alone and lost

11-04-10, 06:01
Since you worry often about many things, I agree with the diagnosis of general anxiety disorder. Are you on any meds for bi-polar? ADHD? Diazepam will work great for the time being, but they are only useful temporarily. In your case CBT would be extremely useful. Any meds prescribed for GAD would depend on anything you're already taking. Don't worry, you'll be okay, and the worst thing you can do is hole yourself up inside.

Sometimes this can happen after being sick for a while, if you have a bad infection. Some bacterial strains can wreak havoc on your body and central nervous system. They can cause panic attacks and anxiety. Try to relax and give yourself some time. I'm sure you'll be fine in time.

11-04-10, 10:50
Hiya hun.

Dont know what advice to give really i'm in the same boat had chest infection flu etc etc but pushed on through my 8 - 5 job but then felt shaky racing heart pale urrrg was awful now struggling to get out at all i used to be so outgoing bubbly now i dont know who i am any more. i feel so sorry for you its awful if you need to talk just post me xxx