View Full Version : Do you get depressed returning to work after time off?

11-04-10, 08:49
I suffer very badly from this, I was off all last week on holiday, and its not that I did anything very exciting when I was off, its more just hating my job with a passion, It happens any time I am off, Christmas, Easter, Summer, it makes me wonder if its actually worthwhile taking off if this is how I feel when I have to return. I think the depression kicked in on Friday and its all I have through about since, I woke this morning and the first thing that came into my mind was, "This time tomorrow you will be in work"

Do you suffer from this?

11-04-10, 13:30
Sam..... I think you'd better kick that job if its causing you such grief!...... even if its less money, it aint worth it.

11-04-10, 15:52
Hi Sam,

I get this and I actually love my job!!! Work that one out!!! I tend to find that when I take time off I always end up getting anxious and depressed just before I return, so wierd!! I think it is just the change for me (thats what my GP tells me) but I think in your case it is because you dont like your job. If you know the cause then you need to try to do something about it...I know its not easy but then the problem should go away for you. Me?? Well I just dont know!!!

Take care

13-04-10, 21:11
I know exactly what you mean. I had been out of work for ages and hated it and all I wanted was to get back to work. Now I have a job which is really mundane, but it's better than doing nothing. At least you have a job so that is a massive bonus BUT if I were you I'd start looking into finding another job or at least researching what other stuff is out there. Scary, but better than being really pissed off all the time due to your job. I work part-time and spend the rest of my time planning on how to get a better job! This back to work problem is really common I think - it probably stems right back from our childhoods when we had to return to school after the holidays!

16-04-10, 13:20
I found my job was one of the main Causes of my depression/anxiety, aside form that I knew the job wasnt paying me well was not my thing and I dont think I was very good at it.

I saw it like an operable tumor that could be removed. Managed to get a sick not from my doctor (justifyably as the job was causing problems and stress/depression/anxiety are genuine ilnesses) and in that time handed in a resignation letter. The Beninfits advice centre where realy healpfull and I managed to get Employment Support Allowence wile the doctors sick note was still current. They also say if I havent found another job by the time i feel well again I can get job seekers allowence.

I was so relived to know I whouldnt have to speak to my boss again and do that stresfull job and its realy cleared my head to focus on finding work I know is right for me.
So that option is there if you cant find another job and feel this one is pushing you over the edge.