View Full Version : Trying to get moving again

11-04-10, 14:29
Anybody have any suggestions on how to get yourself going out again? I have had palpitations, may be SVT but it usually has been sinus tachycardia in the ER. I am on a beta-blocker, though had to decrease it somewhat because my blood pressure was a little low and then you feel light-headed. I can also take Ativan prn. I do not like the SSRI's, they give me more panics, so the psychiatrist said it was ok to use the Ativan. Anyway - I get scared to go out because I'm afraid I'll get palpitations bad and end up in the ER. But, yet I have to start trying again. I'm afraid to just about go anywhere by myself, even to a store. Any ideas?

11-04-10, 14:50
Thank you for your reply. The doctors have said that it is ok to exercise, but because of the palpitations that I have had I am even afraid to go up stairs. I know that may sound silly, but it even scares me to take walks. I'm also not sure when to take the Ativan. I can feel the anxiety now.

11-04-10, 15:28
I'm trying not to feel bad about having to take the Ativan. I just can't seem to handle the SSRI's (like celexa or paxil). I'm afraid of getting addictive to the Ativan. When I had the bad anxiety 30 years ago, I took Serax (which is like Ativan), and worked my way through the anxiety and eventually got off the Serax. I take the beta-blocker. Have you taken medicine?

11-04-10, 15:41
I've tried Celexa and Paxil, but just for a day or two. I get very panicky. I am very afraid of trying to take any other SSRI. So, decided to go with the ATivan with hopes that that would calm me enough to work through the anxiety again.

11-04-10, 15:42
Another question - What other SSRI's have you tried?

11-04-10, 15:59
Thanks for your replies. I may eventually talk myself into trying another SSRI. It's just hard to go through worse anxiety/panic attacks while I take them. Hopefully the Ativan will help and I will be able to get myself to try some things again.

11-04-10, 16:03
Has anyone else tried a benzodiazepine for the panic instead of using SSRI 's? And if so, what did you take, and how did you use it?
Thank you for your replies.

11-04-10, 16:05

I am sorry you are going through this, and I know exactly how you are feeling.

I know it is difficult but try to set yourself little goals and try to push yourself to do them. I started going out just very near home at first to walk the dog, and then I started going to the shops, and then I started using buses again. I was terrified at first, but it's important you try to push yourself to do these things, and then the more you do it, the easier it will become. I don't mean push yourself to do massive things, but push to do things which are necessary for day to day living, such as going to the supermarket etc. Then the more confident you become, you can start on the bigger things.

I also find that if I don't push myself to do things regularly, my confidence can go again quite quickly, so try to do a small walk regularly, even if it's 5 mins a day and build it up from there.

Big hug,

Louise xx

11-04-10, 16:07
I did try a benzodiazepine, I had bromazepam, and something called urbanol. It's best to take these when you really feel you need them, and not too regularly. I thought they were wonderful and they really helped, especially the bromazepam.


11-04-10, 16:15
Thank you for your reply.
The psychiatrist told me that if I was not going to use the SSRI's and use the Ativan or a similar benzodiazepine (like I did 30 years ago when I had panic disorder and used Serax), that I would probably need to use it regularly. At this point, I am only taking a .25 mg of Ativan (the lowest dose they come in is .5 mg, but they are scored and you can break them in half). If I start getting really bad palpitations, the ER told me to take the .5. I am afraid of getting addictive to them, but I did get off the Serax when I used that before.