View Full Version : understanding attacks

19-01-06, 23:04
i can't work out why i get attacks when i do.
they are at random times, there doesn't seem to be a pattern.
all i have noticed my moods are awful at the moment, hyper one day and then fed up the next.
the lack of control is frustrating

19-01-06, 23:15
i had the same problem for ages - couldnt work out what my triggers were....finally dawned on me that it isnt situation based at all, but more when i have a physical sympton (tight chest, aches, pains etc) i start to worry and before i know it, im having a PA

stress doesnt help it either.....its worth keeping a dairy (even if its just a mental one) and seeing if you can spot any links

good luck and hope you feel better soon

Darren :)

19-01-06, 23:34
Darren makes a good point of keeping a diary. A food / drink diary may also be useful. Combine it with the event/thought diary into one.

I found that when I was acute that it didn't take much to trigger and also the speed with which a single thought can move from thought to panic is incredible....literally the speed of light.
