View Full Version : skow heart beat

11-04-10, 16:13
been great for couple weeks,not been checking pulse as much then last couple days have been and its been at 60 bpm couple times ,so this freaks me out ,i kno it shouldnt do but ....

margaret jones
11-04-10, 16:29
60 is great for your pulse , dont worry please Maggie

11-04-10, 16:41
thanks for the reply ,dont kno why i start to freak then i send me blood pressure up too ,argghh ,its a vicious circle isnt it ,,:flowers:

11-04-10, 19:08
hi, my heart rate is really slow too. i dont dare count it but i know its slow when i feel my pulse. seems too slow. even when im doing things and am active.

12-04-10, 21:22
yeh ,i was sort of active too ,or i mean i wasnt sat down for a while before i took it,granted i wasnt rushing about at all either just pottering about the house,i just have to stop checking it,but thats the addiction, the checking ,i get in my mind i have to know what its reading is,so then out comes me lil blood pressure machine ,and if its 60 bpm then off i go fretting about it ,i have recently given up caffeine,as i ended up in A and E with palpatations,i had two ecgs,chest x ray and blood tests all were fine,but the doc referring me to cardiologist to put my mind at rest,he kept telling me it was anxiety,i told him my pulse usually sits from 65 to 75 and he told me that was fine but i cant get that into my head ,maybe the no caffeine has made it drop a little bit lower

12-04-10, 22:11
Just took mine, was at 56, i was quite impressed it was that low. But weirdly when it's low is when i notice the missed beats most.

12-04-10, 22:35
mine is 68 at the min,have been sat at the pc for about half hour,and only walked across the room,blood pressure was 124/84 so thats not bad .i hate the missed beats ,some days im like wating to feel them,then im not sure if it was one which makes me more aware of pulse etc etc

14-04-10, 13:39
Oh my goodness I have logged on today because I was going to do some investigating into slow pulse!

Mine the has been very slow for about a week, but the problem is that I am currently on steroids for an MS attack (high dose for 10 days) the side effects of them are rapid heart rate/palps but no! My pulse has been between 50-65 bpm!!! been getting ectopics too (which is not unheard of for the steroids to be honest)

I called my gp and he says that whilst 50 bpm is slow, it is not dangerously slow or anything

I wonder if the fact that I have been unactive for the last almost 2 months (bloody MS relapse) has slowed it too?!?!

Who knows, but I have turned a little obsessed about checking my pulse, I really need to stop focussing on it so much I know that much?!?!

Also why when I am told by the docs not to worry about something, does it give me reassurance for the next few hours and then the doubt creeps in?!?!

I have altogether had about 5 ECGs, a 24hr heart monitor (I have had 2 in the past) and now the doc is going to refer me for an EKG, yep you guessed, just to put my mind at rest!!!!

anyway cornishmaid (I am from Truro originally!) and everyone else, try not to worry about it, I know it is easier said than done (and I am a fine one to talk!) I feel like I am never satisfied, if the pulse is fast I worry and now that it is slow I worry!! argh!!!!!!!

take care everyone

Mel x

14-04-10, 18:24
thanks for replying,im same with the doc,if he says its fine, for a couple days i got no worrys in the world,then back comes the wonder what my pulse is today ,and off i go again if its around 60 to 64 im ohh its low and if its high im worried bout that lol no win situation,

hope your feeling better after your MS attack

i was born in Launceston but lived in Falmouth ,


14-04-10, 18:51
my heart rate is uaully 68/80bpm but can go as fast as 250 in an svt attack, so i was worried about taking beta blockers incase it slowed my heart rate too much, but dr said 50 would be ok but i find even the beta blockers arent bringing it that low. i'm 25, not very healthy and was once told i have the pulse of an athlete lol hahaha yh right