View Full Version : Are some alcoholic drinks more ok to drink than others?

11-04-10, 16:27
Are there any drinks in particular which would be more ok to drink than others?

For some reason, i imagine that having several glasses of vodka, whiskey, rum, gin etc on the rocks would have a more negative reaction with the medication, in terms of depression occuring after "sobering up", than several glasses of wine, beer etc due to all the alcohol units?

Spirits would tend to have more units than wines or beers, right? Which means they're alot stronger. So does it matter what drinks can be drunk with this medication or not?

Thanks in advance :noangel:

12-04-10, 18:22
Never mind

12-04-10, 18:28
I have a few friends who take antidepressants and they still have a few drinks when out. Most of them have a couple of glasses of wine. It's like everything else - in moderation!! They seem to be fine with that.
Myra x

12-04-10, 18:49
I drink a few beers every now and then on antidepressants. I avoid things like shots, spirits, red wine, but, yeah, in moderation I'm sure it's fine.

12-04-10, 19:09
ive had nothing but bad side effects while drinking any form of alcohol while on them

12-04-10, 19:24
Both me and my husband are on citalopram (well actually i'm trying to get off it - but thats another story). Both of us find beer fine but wine (especially red) to be not great. Gives me horrible hangovers!

Not sure about spirits as I don't drink them and Mr Spiral rarely drinks them either.

13-04-10, 23:40
I stopped drinking for 2 months when I first started taking 20mg of citalopram. I had my first drink last weekend 2 small vodka and lemonade. I was fine the next day then on sunday was really naughty and had a whole bottle of red wine! I know I shouldn't have but was at a family party the next day I was ok no side effects just very thirsty. It probably depends on the person what reaction you have I didn't really have any side effects on this med. But I would def be careful take it easy and wait for the meds to settle into your system if u have just dtarted taking them. x

14-04-10, 03:54
HELLO...grog and meds DO not mix,it brings on anxiety and panic.Read up on it.