View Full Version : Head Pain

11-04-10, 19:52
Ive been experiencing pain in right lower side at back of my head for last couple days.

Its been intermittent but im experiencing it more and more and im getting a little worried.

How do you distinguish if its a normal/tension headache? It doesnt move about and its a pain that comes and goes rather than a normal headache.

11-04-10, 20:14
It could be pain coming from your neck if it is low down on the head - or eve referred pain from elsewhere ? I'm not sure I know myself how to tell if something is tension or 'something else', but I would guess that the chances are that if it is coming and going it is nothing serious.

11-04-10, 23:26
I get different kinds of headaches which come & go. I usually out these down to tiredness tension or stress. I do worry about some of them but they always tend to disappear after a week so. If you are worried there is no harm in going to your GP for their opinion x

12-04-10, 07:27
If it's near the base of your head and you neck hurts, it's a referred pain from the neck or upper back. and can refer pain down your arm as well. the headaches will go up the back of your head and sometimes on the temple, usually on the side of the neck strain but sometimes both sides. i'm a pro with neck pain. constantly have it for 5 yrs now. always get headaches that feel like pressure, someone squeezing my head, pushing my temples together etc. ive have anx for almost 2 yrs now so i get worried now & then that's it's something sinister but when my anx is at bay, i can logically say it's neck strain related headaches or general tension from stress and anx.

12-04-10, 07:30
see a physio or chiro. they will ask questions and tell you what kind of pain it is. if you don't have it first thing when you wake up in the morning, then it's tension - stress. mine's not constant, i get it now & then. bad posture makes it worse.