View Full Version : night sweats

20-01-06, 09:47
please does anyone suffer night sweats at any time. short and sweet just like to no.

cheers jackie

20-01-06, 10:49
Yes constantly, but I have put I have put it down to my age (menapausal) I also get them during the day as well. Driving me mad at the moment. Tried Black Cohosh and Red Clover. I gave them plenty of time to work, but didn't help.

Jenny xxxx

20-01-06, 11:12
jenny im only 34 although feel like 74 with thwe tiredness nervous illness brings. could it be anything else or could i be hitting it early.

another thing i { us women} have to look forward to.

20-01-06, 11:13
Hi Jackie, Night sweats are my most common problem, I have had them for years and after all this time I have to put it down to anxiety as I have been tested for everything ells. They do go but with me seem to recur every so often. I wake soaked really wet so I wear a t-shirt now as when I get it I can just take the wet t-shirt off, my pillow also gets soaked and I have to turn it over to try and get back to sleep. Best not to let it worry you as worrying about it just seems to make it worst. I also get a terrible dry mouth to go with it that’s there even when I don’t get the sweats. Anyway hope it don’t last too long for you, Take care. Vernon

20-01-06, 14:27
hi jackie i did a post the other day about sweating it is all part of the anxiety.i think i hyperventilate a lot which makes it worsse.i def do not think your in menopause you just had baby.im afraid just another sypmtom of this anxiety.take care marcia

marcia lowe

20-01-06, 18:57
hiya Jackie

I get awful nightsweats and have been tested for the usual things like thyroid problems but everything is clear. Its certainly not the menopause (i hope) im only 22!

i think its when im dreaming, i often dream about normal things that dont seem quite right, like i cant walk properly or the brakes on the car are failing, and believe it or not i get anxious in my dream! it feels real but some part of me is telling myself that its not and i get anxious and it turns into a nightmare, with me struggling to wake up. I think thats what causes my night sweats anyway, its blimmin' unfair that we have to suffer anxiety in the daytime, let alone when we're asleep!

alice xx

20-01-06, 19:04
Hi Jackie the sweats will be due to anxiety, I suffer them regularly, I only ever wear a tshirt due to an over heating problem, Im sure lots of others will say the same, take care.xxxx

Most of lifes battles are won, by looking beyond the clouds to the sun:
and having the patience to wait for the day,when the sun comes out and the clouds go away.

love from Alexisxx

20-01-06, 19:13
Jackie I am 57, so I wouldn't worry about menopause just yet. As everyone has said, I think it is just another symptom of anxiety.

Jenny xxxxx

20-01-06, 22:58
Night Sweats (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3802)
Smoking (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4627)
sweating (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=7216)


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

21-01-06, 08:48
thanks every one. another evil symptom croosed of the list to worry too much about. alice i think you have a point, have had a few strange dreams the last few nights so there must be a connection

cheeres everybody, once again you are looking to help others. jackie

01-12-06, 20:07
I had these last night...horrible, kept waking up every hour drenched:(

02-12-06, 11:37
Hi Guys

I had night sweats at the start of my panic attacks and anxiety. I just assumed they were part of the menopause (I'm 53), and didn't think of them as a possible symptom of the anxiety/PAs. My doctor tested for thyroid and did a hormone blood test. So in addition to now being on propanalol (beta blocker) for the palmps, and sleeping tabs, I'm also on HRT patches. But the sweats have stopped - so it could be they were due to the menopause. It's all so confusing - trying to determine which symptoms are the physical manifestations of our CNS being awry and which are actually 'medical'.

I was amazed when I first started with the anxiety/PAs, at how dreadful the physical symptms could be. Chest burning and constriction, palpitations, trembling, insomina - its truly awful.

I have days when I just can't see a future - and yes at the beginning, and on the odd occasion, I do feel it would be easier to just not be here. Thank God these feelings don't last - I'm not sure what it is that steps in and talks sense to me - but something does.

Take care everyone
